韩中社会称谓语与各自多样的社会文明互相关注,所以跟着社会的赓续变更,社会称谓语的词义及在说话情况的运用上也赓续变更。韩国与中国作为一衣带水的两个国度,在许多范畴都有交集,进修韩语的中国人及进修中文的韩国人的数目可谓是日新月异。然则两国粹习者还不克不及准确地掌握好两种说话中的社会称谓语在特定的社会情况下,应当如何准确的运用。年夜部门两国粹习者以为韩中两国有着相似的汗青文明,在社会称谓语的运用上也会比拟类似。然则韩语和中文在称谓语运用方面照样有许多差别的。特殊是在特定的说话情况中的差别更加显著。本来雷同意思的两个社会称谓语,就有能够有着分歧的隐含义思。所以本论文经由过程社会称谓语的成长变更进程,来剖析他们的概念意义和语意图义,进而停止更深一步的研究。之前学者们对韩国社会称谓语和中国社会称谓语停止了年夜量的基本研究,也在韩中社会称谓语的比较方面停止了年夜量研究。但从语用论的角度来停止研究韩中社会称谓语的比较简直是少之又少。而社会称谓语跟着社会的成长,语义和语用上会有更年夜的变更。本论文将从语用学的角度,以之前纯真韩中社会称谓语的比较研究为基本,选择学者们剖析较多的社会称谓语为比较研究对象,并经由过程剖析各自的成长变更进程,停止更深条理的比较研究。 Abstract: Korea and social appellations and their diversity of social civilization, so follow the ceaseless social change, the meaning of social appellations and in application to speak also gengxu change. South Korea and China as the two countries are close neighbors separated only by a strip of water, in many areas have intersection, can be described as the number of Chinese and learn Chinese Koreans to learn Korean is changing with each passing day. However the two pure Xi also means not accurately grasp good speaking in the social appellations in specific social situations should be how to accurately application. Nianye departments of the two countries Cui Xi thought that South Korea and China have a similar history and culture, in the application of social appellations will be comparable to similar. But still there are many differences between Korean and Chinese in appellation applications. Special is talking specific differences in the more significant. Two social appellation had similar meaning, there have implied differences. So the development through the process of social appellations change process to analyze their conceptual meaning and semantic mapping of righteousness, and further research. Before scholars of Korea social appellation and Chinese social appellation language stopped a large amount of basic research, also in the comparison of the social appellation between South Korea and China stopped a large amount of research. But from the perspective of pragmatics to research Chinese social appellation comparison is less and less. The social appellations with the development of society, there will be greater changes to the semantic and pragmatic. In this , from the pragmatic point of view, to comparative discussion before pure Korean social appellation as the basic, choose scholars analyze more social appellation as the object of comparative research, and through the analysis of their growth process of change, stop a comparative study of deeper. 目录: 摘要 2 韩文摘要 3-4 目录 4-6 正文 6-46 参考文献 46-49 攻读学位期间的探讨成果 49-50 附件 50-51 |