吴永寿师长教师是一名以抒怀性短篇小说而有名的韩国古代作家。在古代机械文明中赞美天然之美,较寻求老练与时效的古代美,更重视实质的朴实美,他的著作中弥漫着一股浓浓的乡愁。在摇篮期和橡胶鞋这两篇短篇小说中,韩语论文题目,吴师长教师以朴实的乡村生涯和乡村休息国民的故事为配景和素材,饱含蜜意地赞扬了素朴的人们和浑厚无华的乡情。摇篮期是作家于1967年揭橥的自传体小说,以在朴实的平易近风中生长着的少年的发展阅历为线索,依据时光的变更来睁开论述,一年四时,每一个季候都有每一个季候的兴趣生涯。橡胶鞋描述的是男女主人公未如愿的恋爱故事,礼赞男女之间纯粹美妙的恋爱的同时也表达了对浑厚平易近风的赞扬,留恋和思念。两篇小说说话朴素无华,韩语毕业论文,乡土头土脑息浓重,方言与拟声拟态词的运用使故工作节非常活泼抽象,兴趣实足,但对于一个韩语进修者来讲,在懂得和翻译方面也有必定的艰苦。作为一种表音文字,韩国语拟声拟态词异常蓬勃,韩国人在平常生涯及文学写作中对拟声拟态词的运用频率异常高。拟声拟态词基于它自己的构词特色,在运用时能异常活泼抽象地表示所述事物的声响及形状。汉语作为一种表意文字,其拟声拟态词数目绝关于韩语而言就响应比拟少,是以在韩译中文学翻译进程中就不免涌现对应成绩。本申报在韩国作家吴永寿的两篇短篇小说的翻译理论基本上,对韩中拟声拟态词翻译办法停止了考核和研究,在翻译理论中得出响应的实际熟悉,对韩中文学翻译有较年夜的增进意义。 Abstract: Mr. Wu Yongshou is a lyric short stories of famous ancient Korean writer. In the ancient civilizations of the mechanical praise the natural beauty, is seeking a sophisticated and aging of the ancient beauty, pay more attention to the essence of plain beauty, his work was filled with a deep sense of nostalgia. In "the cradle" and "rubber shoes, these two short stories, Mr. Wu to the story of the simple rural life and rural labor national background and material, full of honey praised the naive people and vigorous without China's nostalgia. "The cradle" is writer in 1967 exposing published autobiographical novel to in the development of simple and plain, close to the wind in the growth of the teenagers experience as a clue, according to the change of time to open discussion, four years, every season have each season career interest. The rubber shoes "to describe is the hero and heroine not wish love story, praise of men and women between the pure beauty of love also expressed praise on the immense plain near the wind, nostalgia and yearning. Two novel speak simple and minimalist, local cerebral interest strong, dialect and onomatopoeia used the stories very lively abstraction, interest dye in the wood, but on a Korean learners, in the understanding and translation also must be hard. As a phonography, Korean onomatopoeia anomaly and vitality, Korean in daily life and literary writing in the frequency of application of onomatopoeia abnormally high. Onomatopoeia and mimetic words based on word formation features of its own, in the application to abnormal lively abstractly said sounds and shape of the things. Chinese as a kind of ideographic character, the onomatopoeia and mimetic words vast for Korean response match less is to in the Korean translation of the Chinese translation in the process will inevitably emerge corresponding results. The Declaration on the basis of the translation theory of Korean writers Yong Shou Wu of two short stories, on the Korean onomatopoeia translation approach stopped evaluation and research, in translation theory in that the response is actually familiar, South Korea literature translation has greater significance in promoting. 目录: 摘要 5 外文摘要 6-7 目录 7-9 正文 9-25 参考文献 25-62 |