
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Talking is the main means of communication with each other, and is also a part of the national civilization. It reflects the other contents of the national civilization. The proverb is speaking in the history long, through compare the content of the fixed time selected and refined. Can be from a number of perspectives adequate response to a national tradition of civilization, can be said to be a living fossil of civilization. Chinese proverb contains the Chinese nation's rich cultural heritage, the performance of the Chinese nation's long history of civilization. Korean proverb occurred in Han Pingyi close family give birth career Bangbian, travels by word of mouth of the situation, with the real life contact cheek by jowl, contains Han Pingyi group's clever and has the certain instruction significance. In this paper, the two countries in the proverb of "dragon" plant proverb stopped comparative study. The first chapter of the introduction section describes the research objectives and significance of this paper, the history of research, research objects and methods. In the second chapter, the ROK to 'long' familiar with compared, also made the comparison between the two countries on the 'Dragon' proverb contains the meaning. The third chapter is the comparison of the two countries on the "dragon" the proverb do the situation. The fourth chapter is the conclusion, which summarizes the conclusion of this paper. Until today, the plants of China and Korea saying stop match the papers there are many, but on the 'Dragon' saying stop match the not many. Wish this thesis, to learn Korean, have certain sponsored and desire in understanding each other national cultural differences can have some guiding significance.


摘要   8-9   Abstract   9   目录   10-11   正文   11-55   参考文献   55-58   附录   58  
