申京淑是韩国最有名誉的作家之一,于2008年出书的长篇小说寻觅母亲至今曾经卖出200多万册,而韩国生齿才5000多万人。寻觅母亲也是申京淑第一部被翻译成英语的小说。英译本Please Look After Mom出书三天内,就涌现在亚马逊的滞销书榜上,发明了韩国书在海内的出书事业。该书的中文版也激动了很多读者。在传统的翻译实际中,译者处于边沿位置。不外,20世纪70年月涌现的文明转向晋升了译者的位置。尔后,译者的主体性的概念也得以涌现。文学翻译中,译者主体性更是症结身分。译者主体性也会遭到几个方面的作用。本文以译者主体性为视角,从译者文明配景、译者本质、译者翻译不雅、目的读者和作者与出书社几个方面临译者主体性的作用,剖析比较了韩语小说寻觅母亲的中英译本,个中包含译者采取的战略和译文的后果和精确度等。经由过程比拟剖析,得出以下结论:中英译者在分歧的文明配景下,有着纷歧样的译者本质,为分歧的目的读者斟酌,还要遭到出书社等其他引素的制约。这些作用译者主体性的身分决议了两个译本的差别。但从读者的接收度来讲,两译本都获得了不错的成果,值得赞美。 Abstract: Shin Kyoung suuk is Korea has the most reputation writers. In 2008 published the novel "in search of the mother, so far has sold more than 200 million copies, and the South Korean population to more than 50 million people. "Looking for mother" is Shen Jingshu's first novel had been translated into English. English version of "please look after Mom" book within three days will flood now Amazon's best-selling book list on, invented the Korean book publishing business in domestic. The book Chinese version also excited a lot of readers. In the traditional translation practice, the translator in the edge position. However, in twentieth Century 70 years the emergence of civilization to promotion of the position of the translator. Then, the concept of the translator's subjectivity is emerging. In literary translation, the translator's subjectivity is the crux of the problem. The translator's subjectivity is influenced by several aspects. This paper to the translator's subjectivity perspective, from the translator's cultural background, translator's essence, the translator, the target readers and authors and publishing house facing the influence of translator's subjectivity, compared and analyzed the Korean novel "in search of the mother" of the Chinese and English versions of that medium containing translators adopt the strategy and target of the consequences and accuracy. Through comparison and analysis, draws the following conclusion: in English translator in different cultural background, divergent like the translator's essence, for different target readers consider, but also was a publishing house and the other cited constraints. The subjectivity of the translator's identity resolution the two versions are different. But from the reader's acceptance, the two versions have achieved good results, worthy of praise. 目录: 致谢 3-4 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 1 引言 8-10 1.1 写作缘由 8-9 1.2 论文结构 9-10 2 译者主体性和作用因素 10-14 2.1 译者主体性理论概述 10-11 2.1.1 译者的边缘化地位 10 2.1.2 翻译探讨的“文化转向” 10-11 2.2 作用译者主体性的因素 11-13 2.2.1 译者的文化背景 11 2.2.2 译者素质 11-12 2.2.3 译者翻译观 12 2.2.4 目标读者 12 2.2.5 出版社和作者 12-13 2.3 相关探讨 13-14 3 原著及其中英译本 14-18 3.1 申京淑和原著 14 3.2 英译本及译者简介 14-16 3.2.1 Kim Chi-Young和Please Look After Mom 14-15 3.2.2 Kim Chi-Young的翻译观 15-16 3.3 中译本及译者简介 16-18 3.3.1 薛舟、徐丽红和寻找母亲 16-17 3.3.2 中译者的翻译观 17-18 4 译本略论 18-57 4.1 书名翻译 18-19 4.2 词语的处理 19-35 4.2.1 称谓 19-23 4.2.2 单位 23-26 4.2.3 文化特征词 26-32 4.2.4 拟态词 32-35 4.3 句子结构和逻辑关系 35-40 4.4 编译 40-49 4.4.1 添加和补充说明 40-46 4.4.2 省略和调整 46-49 4.5 脚注 49-51 4.6 误译 51-54 4.7 其他 54-57 5 结论 57-58 参考文献 58-59 |