韩国语和汉语分属分歧系统的说话,韩汉妥协句在表达措施上也不尽雷同。本文从说话现实动身,韩语论文,以韩语妥协接续词尾和汉语的妥协联系关系词为研究对象,从共时的角度商量了韩汉妥协句。论文在后人研究的基本上,经由过程查阅相干材料,运用比较描述的办法,考核韩汉妥协句的句法及语义,语用方面的特点,找出二者的差异点,韩语论文范文,提醒它们之间的对应情势。本文的构造重要分为以下五个部门第一章绪论部门,重要论述本文的研究目标和意义、后人的研究概略、研究办法和语料起源等。第二章重要阐述韩汉妥协句的界说和分类。经由过程总结后人对韩汉妥协句的界说和分类,界定本文的研究对象和研究规模。第三章重要对韩汉妥协句的句法层面停止比较考核。重要从句子成份和语表情势的制约方面停止了比较剖析。第四章从语义语用层面临韩汉妥协句停止了比较剖析。考核了韩汉妥协句的语义及语用特点。第五章结论部门,总结全文的重要内容。归结出韩汉妥协句的差异点及两者之间的对应情势,并指出缺乏的地方。 Abstract: Korean and Chinese belong to different systems speak Korean and Chinese sentence compromise in the way of expression is not the same. In this paper, speaking from set out actually, in Korean compromise alternative endings and Chinese compromise Related words as the research object, from the synchronic point of view to discuss the compromise in Korean and Chinese sentence. In the study of the future generations, through the process of access to relevant materials, the application of a more descriptive approach, assessment of the syntactic and semantic Han Han compromise, pragmatic features, to find out the similarities and differences between the two, to remind them of the correspondence between the situation. The structure is divided into the following five sections. The first part is introduction, important this paper discusses the research goal and the significance, the posterity research summary, research methods and data origin. The second chapter describes the definition and classification of Korean and Chinese important compromise sentence. Through the process of summarizing on the definition and classification of Korean and Chinese sentence compromise, defines the research object and scope of the study. In the third chapter, the comparison of the syntactic level of the Korean and Chinese compromised sentences is compared. It is important to stop the comparative analysis from the constraints of the sentence components and the expression of the language. In the fourth chapter, from the semantic pragmatic level, the comparative analysis of the Korean and Chinese compromises is made. The semantic and pragmatic features of the Korean and Chinese compromise sentences are examined. The fifth chapter is the conclusion, which summarizes the main contents of the thesis. It comes down to the similarities and differences between Korean and Chinese, and the corresponding situation, and points out the lack of place. 目录: 致谢词 3-4 摘要 4 目录 6-8 正文 8-95 参考文献 95-100 |