韩国语汉字词在韩国语中起着弗成替换的主要感化,对韩国语汉字词停止商量,一方面有助于惹起韩国粹生对汉字词的看重,赞助其懂得汉字词的寄义。另外一方面,可以填补对外汉语教授教养进程中对韩汉字词研究的缺乏,完美对外汉语中的辞汇教授教养,韩语论文题目,以便教员可以或许随机应变地实行教授教养战略。本文对延世年夜学韩国语教程6册教材的词语停止了统计、归类,经由过程横向和纵向的剖析,说明汉字词的起源、组成及其演化的特色,并根据其特色,以韩语中的汉字词与对应的古代汉语辞汇构造和意义的差异点为重要研究对象,停止了具体的剖析与对比,在对汉韩汉字词比较剖析成果的基本上,韩语论文题目,采取偏误剖析等办法,对韩国语汉字词的第二说话习得情形停止剖析,归结个中的罕见偏误类型,并剖析招致偏误发生的母语迁徙等缘由。经由过程分类剖析,总结出各类词的类型及特色,对“HSK静态作文语料库”响应经常使用偏误停止分类,在语法方面针对汇集到的说话资料停止了归类和总结,并对其偏误发生的缘由及防止、改正偏误的教授教养战略停止了论述,以期能清除韩国汉语进修者在汉字词熟悉和运用上的误区,完成顺畅、精确交换之目标。 Abstract: Korean characters and words in Korean plays an Eph into replacement role, of Korean and Chinese word stop to discuss, on the one hand, have helped to cause Korea students of Chinese characters word value, the sponsor understand the meaning of Chinese words. In addition, can fill the lack of studies of Chinese and Korean words in the process of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, in perfect Chinese as a foreign language vocabulary teaching so that teachers can perhaps adaptable to implement teaching strategy. Basically corresponds to the Yonsei University Korean language course "6 textbooks words stop statistics, classification, through the process of transverse and longitudinal analysis showed that the Chinese character word origin, composition and evolution characteristics, and according to its characteristics in Korean Chinese words of the ancient Chinese language vocabulary structure and meaning of the similarities and differences between the important research object, stop the specific analysis and comparison of the Chinese and Korean Chinese word comparison analysis of the results, error analysis method of Korean Chinese words in the second language acquisition situation carries on the analysis, summed up the rare error types and analysis lead to bias the mother tongue migration and other reasons. Through the classification analysis, summarizes the types and characteristics of all kinds of words, "HSK dynamic composition corpus" on the response often use error classification, in terms of grammar for speech data collected at the stops are classified and summarized, and the error occurs the reason and prevent, correct the bias of the teaching strategy has carried on the elaboration. In order to clear the Korean language learning in Chinese words familiar and application errors, smooth finish, exact exchange target. 目录: 摘要 5-6 ABSTRACT 6 1 绪论 9-13 1.1 探讨的意义 9-10 1.2 探讨的对象与措施 10-11 1.3 本课题探讨的技术路线 11 1.4 文献综述 11-13 2 韩国语中的汉字词分类 13-20 2.1 源于中国的韩国语汉字词 13-16 2.2 源于日本的韩国语汉字词 16-17 2.3 韩国人自创的汉字词 17-20 2.3.1 借用汉字字形创造韩国语新义的汉字词 18 2.3.2 仿照汉字造字原理创造新的字形的汉字词 18-20 3 源于中国的韩国语汉字词教学探寻 20-30 3.1 与汉语同形同义的汉字词教学探寻 20-23 3.1.1 名词 20-21 3.1.2 动词 21-22 3.1.3 形容词 22 3.1.4 副词 22 3.1.5 与汉语同形同义的汉字词的教学建议 22-23 3.2 与汉语同形且意义部分重合的汉字词教学探寻 23-26 3.2.1 汉语语义范围大于韩国语语义范围 23-24 3.2.2 汉语语义范围小于韩国语语义范围 24-26 3.2.3 与汉语同形且意义部分重合的汉字词的教学建议 26 3.3 与汉语同形异义的汉字词教学探寻 26-28 3.3.1 名词 26-27 3.3.2 动词 27 3.3.3 形容词 27-28 3.3.4 与汉语同形异义的汉字词的教学建议 28 3.4 与汉语异形同义的汉字词的教学探寻 28-30 3.4.1 与汉语异形同义的汉字词 28-29 3.4.2 与汉语同形异义的汉字词的教学建议 29-30 4 韩国语成语汉字词教学探寻 30-35 4.1 同形同义汉字词成语教学探寻 30-32 4.1.1 同形同义汉字词成语 30-31 4.1.2 同形同义汉字词成语的教学建议 31-32 4.2 异形同义汉字词成语教学探寻 32-33 4.2.1 异形同义汉字词成语 32-33 4.2.2 异形同义汉字词成语的教学建议 33 4.3 同形异义汉字词成语教学探寻 33-35 4.3.1 同形异义汉字词成语 33-34 4.3.2 同形异义汉字词成语的教学建议 34-35 5 韩国语汉字词造成的常用偏误及教学策略 35-40 5.1 词义偏误及教学策略 35-36 5.2 词性偏误及教学策略 36-37 5.3 词语搭配偏误及教学策略 37-38 5.4 语用偏误及教学策略 38-40 6 结语 40-41 参考文献 41-43 致谢 43 |