
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The "Bei" sentence is the main grammatical form in the ancient Chinese language. It is also a regular use of the Chinese language. On the Korean stay, the "Bei" sentence is one of the most difficult departments in the process of learning Chinese. At present, there are a lot of papers on the "Bei" research papers, what, then "was" the wrong country to study the sentence is very few. About South Korea to stay first born to speak, the existing research is not strong. This paper in the query visit questionnaire and the "is" basic sentence patterns and structural characteristics analysis, Chinese and Korean in active sentences, find attributed Korea left Mr. in the application of "is" sentence in the process of rare types of errors, to South Korea left Mr. "is" words to teach parenting advice. May find the right to stay in South Korea, Mr. Liu's Chinese teaching strategies, so that stay in the adequate understanding of the "Bei" sentence grammatical characteristics, to prevent the acquisition and application of "being" in the process of error. Of this paper consists of six chapters: Chapter one is the introduction part, introduced the research goal and the significance of the research, and "is" sentence research present situation; second chapter to the fifth chapter is the main body of the Department, in the questionnaire survey and comparative analysis basically, attributed Korea left Mr. is used words rare types of errors, and puts forward some suggestions on the teaching; the sixth chapter is the conclusion section of this article, and gives a comprehensive summary of the contents of the article in the absence and presence.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   第一章 绪论   8-10       一、探讨目的及意义   8-9       二、“被”字句偏误现象相关基础探讨   9-10   第二章 调查问卷   10-15       一、问卷调查概要   10-11       二、问卷调查的结果   11-12       三、调查结果略论   12-13       四、小结   13-15   第三章 “被”字句基本探讨   15-18       一、“被”字句的概念与基本句型   15       二、“被”字句的结构特点   15-18   第四章 韩国留学生“被”字句偏误略论   18-32       一、偏误类型   18-26       二、“被”字句偏误规律略论   26-32   第五章 “被”字句教学   32-35       一、“被”字句教学存在的问题   32       二、几点建议   32-35   第六章 结论   35-36   参考文献   36-38   后记   38  
