
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


This is the "Hualong declaration" network news translation project. The number of articles Chinese news, Hualong network reporter from Chongqing more than the separation of writing. The text consists of 35 news reports, the hit Chongqing and the international political, economic, and social civilization. The declaration consists of four parts, the first part is introduction, introduce an important goal translation background, purpose, significance and structure. The second sector is the background introduction, including the author introduction, introduce the content of the original text, analysis. The third sector is the difficulties in translation and translation methods, including topic methods of translation and sentence conversion, idioms translation method. The fourth sector is the summary of experience and achievements to be processed. In the process of translation, the translator as far as possible loyalty from the Korean text, accurately understand and grasp the original meaning, pay attention to to China and South Korea are two words in the news reports on the differences, so as to ensure the translation of the speech match the characteristics of news reports, but also attach importance to the timeliness of news. Through the process of sponsorship consulting materials and the tutor, translator of the translation project.


摘要   5   韩语摘要   6-7   致谢   7-8   目录   8-10   第一章 引言   10-12       1.1 项目背景   10       1.2 项目目标   10-11       1.3 项目意义   11       1.4 报告结构   11-12   第二章 原文背景   12-14       2.1 作者简介   12       2.2 原文简介   12-13           2.2.1 原文版本   12           2.2.2 主要内容   12           2.2.3 原文略论   12-13       2.3 小结   13-14   第三章 翻译难点与翻译措施   14-19       3.1 翻译难点   14       3.2 准备工作   14       3.3 翻译措施   14-19           3.3.1 标题翻译的措施   15           3.3.2 句子的转换   15-17           3.3.3 成语、俗语、专有名词等的翻译措施   17-19   第四章 总结   19-21       4.1 翻译经验   19-20       4.2 待解决的问题   20-21   参考文献   21-22   附录 1 原文   22-38   附录 2 译文   38-58   附件   58  
