本文是华龙网消息从2012年11月至2013年5月时代的时势消息翻译项目申报。华龙网消息中译韩由翻译学院2012级MTI朝鲜语口笔译研究生承当了华龙网韩语频道2012年10月至2013年5月的一切消息翻译。译者本次所提交的翻译稿件共有45篇。本次翻译项目稿件中的内容触及社会生涯的各个方面,既有全部重庆地域经济成长的走势,免费韩语论文,也有关系到平易近生的教导、医疗、交通、物价等的内容。而且每篇都是以自力消息报导的情势涌现。本翻译项目标直接目标是经由过程翻译练习来进步翻译专业先生的程度,经由过程停止翻译到达的更深条理的目标就是为在重庆的韩国人和韩国公司和对关怀韩国的人供给一些无益的信息。申报由四个部门构成,第一部门为引言部门,韩语毕业论文,重要引见此次翻译项目标配景、目的、意义。第二部门为原文描写,包含原文内容引见和说话特色。第三部门为翻译难点及翻译办法,包含翻译难点剖析、翻译进程和联合译例停止翻译办法的商量。第四部门为总结所获得的经历经验和仍待处理的成绩。 Abstract: This is the "Hualong news network" report from November 2012 to May 2013 the news translation project era. DragonSoft news in South Korea by translation college level 2012 MTI Korean translation research students bear the Hualong Korean channel October 2012 to 2013 may all the news translation. The translator submitted a total of 45 translation articles. All aspects of the translation project of the manuscript content involves the social life, not only the trend of economic growth in all of Chongqing region, is also related to the livelihood of the teaching, medical, transportation, price etc.. And each is a self reported situation emerged. This translation is a direct target of through the process of translation practice to progress professional translation of Mr.. Through the process of translation at a deeper level of target is in Chongqing South Koreans and Korean companies and care for South Korea to provide some useless information. The declaration consists of four parts, the first part is introduction, introduce the important translation project background, purpose and significance. The second sector is the original description, including the content of the original presentation and speak characteristics. The third sector is the difficulties in translation and translation methods, including translation difficulties, translation process and translation methods combined with translation examples to stop to discuss. The fourth sector is the summary of the experience gained experience and outstanding achievements. 目录: 摘要 5 外文摘要 6-7 致谢 7-10 第一章 引言 10-12 1.1 项目背景 10 1.2 项目目标 10 1.3 项目意义 10-11 1.4 报告结构 11-12 第二章 原文描述 12-14 2.1 原文简介 12-13 2.1.1 主要内容 12 2.1.2 语言特征 12-13 2.2 小结 13-14 第三章 翻译难点与翻译措施 14-20 3.1 翻译难点 14-15 3.2 翻译过程 15-16 3.2.1 准确定位内容 15 3.2.2 译文对照整理 15-16 3.3 翻译措施 16-20 3.3.1 助词“ / ”和“ / ”的准确使用 16-18 3.3.2 标题的翻译措施 18-19 3.3.3 专有名词的翻译措施 19-20 第四章 总结 20-21 4.1 经验与教训 20 4.2 亟待解决的问题 20-21 参考文献 21-22 附录 1 原文 22-40 附录 2 译文 40-71 附件 71 |