本国人进修汉语的时刻,补语是一个年夜难点,而补语中的趋势补语是难点中的重点,也是对外汉语中的教授教养重点,韩语论文题目,更是HSK测验中的重点。本篇论文从对外汉语的角度着手,重点剖析评论辩论了趋势补语本体和偏误剖析和教授教养战略方面的成绩。不只论述了趋势补语的语法特别性,并且还依照对外汉语的教授教养语法请求运用情势、意义两方面相联合的措施对趋势补语停止了绝对比拟具体的描写。评论辩论了趋势补语是由简略趋势补语与复合趋势补语构成的,并剖析了趋势补语的语法意义,包含趋势补语的容身点成绩、语义指向成绩、终点和起点成绩、趋势补语的引伸义四个方面,然后逐一剖析了24个趋势补语,韩语论文题目,而且从各个角度为趋势补语的实际供给了具体且公道的说明,在这些基本之上笔者又把在对外汉语教授教养中涌现的趋势补语偏误停止了分类总结,重要剖析归结出了三品种别:动词的运用毛病、趋势补语的选择毛病、复合趋势补语和宾语的地位毛病。笔者重要采取文献剖析法和归纳归结法汇集了分离以英韩两种说话为母语的先生在进修进程中发生的偏误,并从中找出了发生这些偏误的缘由停止了比较。英语和韩语中没有与汉语补语比拟对应的语法成份,所以许多进修汉语的先生以为趋势补语特别是复合趋势补语是一个很难控制的语法点。是以对进修汉语的留先生来讲,懂得趋势补语的语法构造、语法意义等是很需要的,并且深刻研究趋势补语会加深先生对汉语语法体系的熟悉。最初,笔者把剖析的结果运用到了教授教养理论指点傍边,并对先生进修趋势补语时所采取的办法和教员的教授教养对策提出了一些较为公道的建议。愿望可以或许对正在停止汉语进修和行将停止汉语进修的先生们和对外汉语教授教养任务的研究者和教导者们供给一些赞助。 Abstract: Foreigners learning Chinese at the moment, complement is a big difficulty, and complement in the trend of complement is difficult in the key, is also the focus of Chinese as a foreign language teaching is focus in the HSK test. This paper starts from the angle of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, focusing on the analysis of debate the trend complement ontology and error analysis and teaching strategy of achievement. Not only discusses the trend of complement syntax special, and also in accordance with the teaching grammar of Chinese as a foreign language application situation and significance in the two aspects of the combined methods of the complement of the trend to stop the relatively specific description. Comment on the trend of complement is composed of simple and compound complement complement trend trend, and analyzes the trend of complements grammaticalmeaning, which contains little success, semantic complement scores, pointing to the trend of the end and the beginning of the performance, the trend of complement extension of meaning in four aspects, and then analyzes the 24 trends of complement, and from all angle is the actual trend of complement provides detailed and reasonable explanation, I turned on the basic trend in foreign language teaching complement the emergence of errors in a classification summary, analysis summarized three application problems, don't: the verb complement selection problem and trend trend of composite and object complement wrong position. The author mainly adopts literature analysis method and inductive method is reduced brings together in order to separate the English and Korean languages for speaking students in the learning process of errors, and from found these errors. The reason to carry on the comparison. In English and Korean no and Chinese complements compared to correspond to the syntactic component, so many Chinese study of Mr. thought trend complement especially compound trend complement is a very difficult to control the grammar points. Is to learn Chinese to stay was born, understand the grammatical structure of complement of trend, grammatical meaning is much needed, and deeply discuss trends complement will deepen Mr. are familiar to Chinese grammar system. Initially, adopted in the analysis of the results of the application to the teaching theory to guide sideways, and the students studying the trend complement way and teachers teaching strategies put forward some reasonable suggestions. Desire can perhaps is in the process of stopping learning Chinese and will stop gentlemen of the study of Chinese language and Chinese as a foreign language teaching task of researchers and educators supply some sponsorship. 目录: 摘要 3-4 Abstract 4 引言 6-10 1. 选题的目的和意义 6 2. 趋向补语的探讨近况 6-8 3. 本文的理论基础和准则 8-10 一、趋向补语的语法语义略论 10-17 1. 趋向补语的组成 10 2. 趋向补语的语法意义略论 10-11 2.1 立足点的问题 10-11 2.2 语义指向问题 11 2.3 位移起点和终点的问题 11 2.4 趋向补语引申义 11 3. 趋向补语的分述 11-17 二、趋向补语的偏误类型 17-21 1. 动词错误 17 2. 趋向补语错误 17-18 2.1 趋向补语的冗余 17 2.2 趋向补语的缺少 17-18 2.3 趋向补语的误用 18 3. 趋向补语与宾语位置关系错误 18 4. 趋向补语的偏误原因略论 18-21 4.1 以英语为母语的学生学习趋向补语产生偏误的原因略论 18-19 4.2 韩国学生趋向补语偏误产生原因略论 19-20 4.3 以英韩为母语的留学生趋向补语偏误原因对比 20-21 三、趋向补语的教学策略略论 21-23 1. 加强语义、语用教学 21 2. 以常用形式作为教学重点 21-22 3. 避免母语干扰因素 22 4. 加强语感教学 22-23 结语 23-25 参考文献 25-26 其他参考文献 26-27 致谢 27 |