重动句在古代汉语中涌现的频率比拟高,特别在各类影音媒体、收集和平常白话中更是具有很高的运用率。重动句的本体研究曾经获得必定结果,然则对于重动句教授教养的研究异常少。因为英语、韩语、法语、日语等一些说话中没有与重动句相似的句式构造,重动句也是留先生进修汉语的难点之一,他们在运用时常常轻易涌现偏误。为了进一步懂得重动句在对外汉语教授教养中的现状,本文彩用归纳归结和查询拜访剖析的办法,对重动句在对外汉语教材及语法书中的设置情形停止了考核,对汇集的语料和问卷查询拜访的情形停止了总结剖析,然后剖析了留先生运用重动句的情形和偏误特色,对对外汉语教授教养中重动句的教授教养办法停止了剖析商量,而且提出了一些建议。本文以为重动句不该该仅仅以例句情势在补语部门涌现,我们应当对重动句专门停止讲授。从对外汉语教授教养宜遵守按部就班准绳的角度动身,本文建议对重动句停止由易到难的分阶段教授教养。在低级阶段重点讲授补语常识,对V1为罕见的进修或生涯方面的单音节动词,同时由“得”或“了”引入简略补语的重动句停止恰当讲授。在中级阶段重要讲授普通重动句,即V1为单音节动词或V1O是安排式聚散词,C为简略补语的重动句。在高等阶段,对特别重动句停止弥补,全体讲授重动句式,而且对重动句和“把”字句的差异停止恰当比拟。本文建议采用比较教授教养等办法,运用联合现实情形的对话和影音媒体等教授教养技能停止教室教授教养。最初对本文的结论、立异点、缺乏等停止了论述。 Abstract: Verb copying sentence in ancient Chinese emerging frequency is relatively high, especially in all kinds of audio and video media, collect and common vernacular is has very high application rate. The verb sentence must have access to the ontology research results, but on the sentence teaching research is very few. Because speak some English, Korean, French, Japanese and other no verb sentence similarity of sentence structure, verb copying sentence is left one of the difficulties of students studying Chinese, they in the application often emerged easily bias. In order to further understand the verb copying sentence in Chinese as a foreign language teaching present situation, the color with inductive resolution and survey methods of analysis, on the verb sentence in teaching Chinese as a foreign language and grammar book set of assessment, visit to a collection of corpus and questionnaire inquiry stopped, summarize and analysis, and then analyzes the left Mr. verb sentences and characteristics of errors, to the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language verb sentence teaching method to carry on the analysis discussion, and puts forward some suggestions. This thought sentence should not only to the situation emerged in the complement department, we should be on the sentence specialized teaching. From the foreign language teaching should comply with the principle of step by step, and the point of view of the start, this paper suggests that the verb sentence stop by to the stage of teaching. In the lower stage with emphasis on teaching knowledge of complement, V1 is rare to study or career of monosyllabic verbs, and by "" or "" introduction of simple complement of the verb copying sentence appropriate teaching. In intermediate stage important teaching of ordinary verb sentence, namely V1 for monosyllabic verb or V1O is to arrange the vergence words, C for the simple complement verb sentence. In the higher stage, on special verb copying sentence stop up, all the teaching verb sentence, but also on the verb sentences and the words of the similarities and differences between the appropriate match. Proposed the comparative teaching method, combined with practical situation of dialogue and audio-visual media teaching skill stop classroom teaching. The initial conclusion of this article, and the lack of innovation were discussed. 目录: 摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4-5 第一章 引言 8-22 1.1 本文的目的与意义 9-10 1.2 本文的探讨措施及使用的符号和语料说明 10-11 1.3 现代汉语重动句的探讨成果 11-18 1.4 现代汉语重动句探讨存在的问题 18-22 第二章 重动句在对外汉语教材中的近况 22-37 2.1 重动句在对外汉语教材中的设置情况 22-29 2.2 部分对外汉语语法书调查 29-37 第三章 重动句语料搜集与略论 37-50 3.1 重动句与易混淆的表达形式 37-41 3.2 语料搜集的目的与措施 41 3.3 语料略论 41-50 第四章 留学生重动句掌握情况的问卷调查 50-56 4.1 调查目的与调查措施 50-51 4.2 调查内容与调查对象 51-52 4.3 调查结果 52-56 第五章 对外汉语教学中重动句教学措施的研讨 56-66 5.1 对外汉语的教学目的和教学措施 56-58 5.2 留学生使用重动句的特点及偏误考察 58-60 5.3 重动句教学措施研讨 60-66 第六章 结论 66-70 6.1 论文的结论和创新点 66-68 6.2 对外汉语教学角度的现代汉语重动句探讨的展望 68-69 6.3 论文的不足 69-70 参考文献 70-73 调查问卷 73-76 后记 76-77 |