留先生在留学国度面对必定的挑衅。这些挑衅可以界说为压力,依据Kelly和Evans(2004)的不雅点,20世纪压力被算作一种个别和情况静态作用的庞杂的疾病。本研究的重要目标是采取质化和量化研究查询拜访在中国西南的留先生的压力、顺应性和应对办法。在长春市随机选择了两所年夜学的254名留先生停止问卷查询拜访,问卷包括5个考试。研究中测试了7个成绩,并树立了7个假定。采取了单变量和双变量统计办法剖析数据。研究发明,气象(94%)、说话妨碍(87%)和食品选择(60%)对留先生而言是最重要的压力身分,而最有用的处理办法是给家人打德律风(86%)、访问同伙(80%)、听音乐(79%)和网上冲浪(72%)。别的,研究发明,气象固然是最年夜的压力身分,然则它对留先生的社会性顺应没有作用(Χ2=1。10, p0。05)。别的,留先生的生源地和本国官方说话对汉语的闇练水平具有明显作用(Χ2=6。87, P0。05),韩语对汉语闇练水平的作用最年夜。一年汉语进修对留先生的文明顺应程度有明显作用(Χ2=42。3, P0。05);在中国栖身的连续时光对汉语的闇练水平具有明显作用(F=5。473,韩语论文题目, P0。05)。然则,留先生在中国栖身时光的长短对他们顺应情形没有明显作用(F=2。099,免费韩语论文, P0。05)。生齿统计学变量年纪、性别和婚姻状态中年纪与留先生的社会顺应相干水平最高(r=0。16)。留先生的婚姻状况对社会性顺应具有明显作用(Χ2=20。8,P0。05),未婚的留先生比已婚留先生须要更高水平地顺应,已婚的留先生对在中国的社交生涯顺应优越。课外运动、体育运动、社会来往与对本地社区的社会顺应正相干。本研究以为,与其它几个作用身分比拟,说话闇练水平对于留先生的社会文明顺应有着异常主要的感化。从分歧的年夜洲,代表分歧文明配景的国际先生顺应分歧的压力前提。 Abstract: Stay in the country to study abroad in the face of a certain provocation. These challenges can be defined as pressure, according to Kelly and Evans (2004) indecent point, in the 20th century, the pressure is counted as an individual and static effect of complex diseases. The important objective of this study is to adopt a qualitative and quantitative study to investigate the pressure, compliance and response of the students in the southwest of China. In Changchun, randomly selected two university students of 254 questionnaires, the questionnaire includes 5 exam. Research in the test of the 7 results, and set up 7 assumptions. The data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate statistical methods. Considers to discover, meteorological (94%), talk to prevent (87%) and food choices (60%) to leave Mr. is the identity of the most important pressure, and the most useful approach is to family play de law wind (86%), access cohorts (80%), listening to music (79%) and surfing the web (72%). Other, considers to discover, weather is, of course, most of the eve of the stress status, however it to leave Mr. social adaptation had no effect (x 1. 10, P, 0. 05). The other, students and students to their official language has significant effect on Chinese skilledly level (x 2=6. 87, P "0. 05), the influence of Korean on the level of Chinese dark training is the most. A year of Chinese language has obvious influence on students civilization adaptation degree (x 2=42. 3, P "0. 05) the continuous time in China has a significant impact on the level of Chinese language (F=5). 473, P, 0. 05). The length of stay in China, however, had no significant effect on their adaptation to the situation (F=2. 099, P "0. 05). The population statistics variables age, gender and marital status in the society and students conform to the highest level of coherence (r=0. 16). Mr. Liu's marital status has significant effect on social adaptation (x 2=20. 8, P "0. 05), unmarried stay in the higher level of the need for a higher level of stay with Mr. married, married stay in China's social life to the superior. Extracurricular sports, sports, social interaction and social adaptation to the local community are coherent. This study thought, and several other factors affect the identity, talk about the level of training to stay on the level of social civilization has a major impact on the. From the differences of the continent, representing differences in cultural background of the international students to adapt to the pressure of the premise. 目录: Abstract 4-5 Acknowledgement 6-7 摘要 7-8 Table of contents 8-11 List of Tables 11 List of Figures 11-12 CHAPTER ONE 12-18 1.0 Introduction 12-14 1.2 Significance of the Study 14-15 1.3 Objective of the Study 15-16 1.4 Research Hypotheses 16-17 1.5 OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS 17-18 CHAPTER TWO 18-36 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 18 2.1 Introduction 18-19 2.2 The Concept of Stress 19-27 2.2.1 Academic Stress 22-23 2.2.2 Financial stress 23 2.2.3 Environmental Stress 23-24 2.2.4 Weather 24 2.2.5 Cultural Stress 24-25 2.2.6 Culture Shock 25-26 2.2.7 Acculturative stress 26 2.2.8 Homesickness 26-27 2.3 Reactions to Stress across Cultures 27-28 2.4 Communication 28-29 2.5 Adjustment 29-30 2.6 Coping Strategies 30-32 2.6.1 Types of coping strategies 31-32 2.7 Related Theories 32-36 2.7.1 Maslows Theory of Needs 32-34 2.7.2 Systemic Theory of Stress 34-35 2.7.3 Socio-Cultural Theory 35-36 CHAPTER THREE 36-45 3.0 METHODOLOGY 36 3.1 Research Design 36-38 3.2 Background of Study Area 38 3.3 Population and Sample 38-39 3.4 Data Collection 39-40 3.5 Validity and Reliability of Instrument 40-42 3.6 Data analysis 42-44 3.6.1 Independent variables 42 3.6.2 Intermediate variables 42-44 3.7 Limitation of the Study 44-45 CHAPTER FOUR 45-65 4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 45 4.1 Stress Factors for International Students in Northeast China 45-46 4.2 Differences in Stress Levels of Respondents according to their Continental Origin 46-47 4.3 Perceived effects of stressors on studies 47-48 4.4 Coping Strategies Adopted by International Students 48-50 4.5 The Effect of Cultural Background of International Students on Social Adjustment Experience 50-51 4.6 The Relationship between Demographic Variables of Age, Sex and Marital Status on Social Adjustment Experience of International Students 51-52 4.7 The perceptions of African students’ of their own adaptation to social life and interaction with the host culture 52-54 4.7.1. Focus Group Discussion Question: Do you interact with Chinese? 52-53 4.7.2. Gender Patterns of Acculturation 53-54 4.8 THE INFLUENCING FACTORS OF ADJUSTMENT 54-60 4.8.1 The effect of weather on the adjustment experience of international students 54-55 4.8.2. The effect of continental affiliation of international students on Chinese language proficiency 55-56 4.8.3. The influence of official language of students on Chinese language proficiency 56-57 4.8.4. The effect of one year language study on cultural adjustment of international students 57-58 4.8.5. The effect of length of stay of international students on adjustment experience 58-59 4.8.6. The effect of length of stay of international student on Chinese language proficiency.48 59 4.8.7. The effect of marital status of international students on social adjustment experience 59-60 4.9 Discussion 60-65 CHAPTER FIVE 65-68 5.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 65 5.1 Conclusion 65-66 5.2 Recommendation 66-67 5.3 Further Study 67-68 REFERENCES 68-81 APPENDIX 81-101 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 101-102 |