自1992年中韩两国建交起,韩资公司便在延吉投资。延边得天独厚的地舆地位,方便的交通,优胜的天然情况,分缘关系是韩国投资者投资的缘由,并且延边地域看重教导所以延边地域的休息者的本质高一些还有延吉朝鲜族占了很年夜比例招会韩语人才网job。vhao。net方面有益,这些有益前提是韩国到延边地域投资的主要身分。延边州在2002年到2007年现实运用外资额处于上升状况,到2008年由于金融危机现实运用外资额削减了,2008年延边地域韩国公司541个,现实运用外资额4828万美元,韩语论文网站,个中现实运用韩资额1554万美元,占现实运用外资总数的32。19%。韩资在延边地域经济成长中施展了主要感化。它不只填补了州内扶植资金的缺乏,推进了对外商业的成长,引进了先辈的技巧装备和治理经历,韩语论文网站,推进了家当构造进级,改良了延边州出口产物的构造,必定水平上扩展了社会失业,增长了财务支出,有益的推进了延边地域的经济成长。延边州运用韩资分四个阶段第一阶段—迟缓增加期(1989—1992年),第二阶段—高速增加期(1993一一1996年),第三阶段—负增加期(1997—1999年),第四阶段—恢复成长期(2000一一至今)。延边州外商投资分行业情形,延边州三资公司散布,延边州各县(市)散布情形三个方面剖析了延边州韩国公司的散布让我们更好的懂得韩国公司在延边州情形。延边州运用外资行业情形、延吉市运用外资情形和开辟区运用外资情形剖析来引见了延吉市家当散布情形。来延边投资的韩资公司年夜都是技巧含量低,休息密集型,高能耗的中小企业,韩国公司对延吉的经济进献率不年夜,是以为延吉市引进韩国直接投资提出了对策建议。 Abstract: Since 1992 the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, South Korean enterprises will invest in Yanji. Yanbian unique geographical location, convenient transportation, superior natural conditions, relationship is a Korean investors to invest in the reason and in Yanbian area of value to teach so rest in Yanbian area of high quality and some Yanji Korean accounted for a large proportion of recruiting for the Korean talent net job. Vhao. Net good, these advantages is the main factor to Yanbian regional investment in South korea. Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in 2002 to 2007 practical application of foreign investment in the rising status, to 2008 due to the financial crisis the real use of foreign capital amount of cut, 2008 in Yanbian area of South Korean enterprises 541, practical application of foreign investment of $4828 million, medium practical application of Korean amount of 1554 $accounted for 32 of the total number of the actual use of foreign capital. 19%. Play important role in Korean regional economic growth in Yanbian. It not only fills the state construction funds lack of, and promote the growth of foreign trade, the introduction of advanced technology and equipment and management experience, to promote industrial structure upgrade, improved the structure of export products of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture must level extends the social unemployment, an increase of financial expenditure, beneficial to promote the Yanbian region's economic growth. Application of Korean in Yanbian state divided into four stages: the first stage, slow increase (1989 - 1992), the second phase - high speed increase (1993 -- 1996), the third stage negative increase period (1997, 1999), the fourth stage of recovery growth period (2000 one by one so far). Yanbian foreign-invested industry situation, spreading of foreign-invested enterprises in Yanbian Prefecture, Yanbian county (city) spread three aspects analyzes the Yanbian Korean companies spread let us better understand the South Korean enterprises in Yanbian Prefecture. Yanbian state foreign investment industry, Yanji City, the use of foreign investment situation and open area of using foreign capital in case analysis to introduce the belongings of Yanji city spread. To Yanbian Korean large enterprises are technical content is low, labor-intensive, high energy consumption of small and medium-sized enterprises, the South Korean companies of Yanji economic contribution rate is not big, is that of Yanji City introduction of South Korea's direct investment and put forward countermeasures and suggestions. 目录: 摘要 5-6 ABSTRACT 6-7 第一章 绪论 10-12 1.1 探讨目的和意义 10 1.2 本文的探讨措施 10 1.3 本文的结构 10-12 第二章 直接投资的含义与影响 12-16 2.1 直接投资的含义 12 2.2 直接投资的形式 12-13 2.3 直接投资的模式 13-14 2.4 直接投资的影响 14-16 第三章 韩资公司在延边州投资概况 16-24 3.1 延边州利用外资近况 16-17 3.2 韩资公司在延边投资阶段 17-18 3.3 韩资公司在延边投资近况 18-24 3.3.1 公司数量、投资额 18-19 3.3.2 投资方式 19 3.3.3 行业分布 19-20 3.3.4 地区分布 20-24 第四章 韩资公司在延吉投资近况 24-37 4.1 延吉市经济概况 24-25 4.2 韩资公司在延吉投资近况 25-36 4.2.1 公司数量、投资额 25-27 4.2.2 投资方式 27-28 4.2.3 行业分布 28-36 4.3 制约因素 36-37 第五章 延吉市引进韩企直接投资的问题与对策 37-41 5.1 延吉市引进韩企直接投资的问题 37-38 5.1.1 投资规模小 37 5.1.2 行业分布不合理 37 5.1.3 服务差与人才缺乏 37-38 5.2 延吉市引进韩企直接投资的对策 38-41 5.2.1 拓展公司规模 38 5.2.2 优化产业结构 38 5.2.3 人才培养 38-39 5.2.4 改善投资环境 39-41 第六章 结论 41-42 参考文献 42-45 致谢 45 |