
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05

摘要   5-7   Abstract   7-8   Contents   9-12   List of Tables   12-13   List of Figures   13-14   Abbreviations   14-16   Chapter One Introduction   16-23       1.1 OVERVIEW   16-17       1.2 THEORETICAL ASSUMPTIONS   17-22           1.2.1 Optimality Theory   17-20           1.2.2 Wh-phrases as Quantificational Expressions   20-22       1.3 RESEACH QUESTIONS   22       1.4 ORGANIZATION   22-23   Chapter Two Origin of OT Constraints:Principles in Generative Grammar   23-44       2.1 THE ESSENCE OF OPTIMALITY THEORY   23       2.2 EVALUATION AND DERIVATION   23-25       2.3 RICHNESS OF THE BASE   25-28           2.3.1 Translation of Richness of the Base into Syntax   25-27           2.3.2 Translation of Richness of the Base into Semantics   27           2.3.3 Consequences of the Richness of the Base   27-28       2.4 OPTIMALITY-THEORETICAL SYNTAX   28-34           2.4.1 Motivation of Syntactic OT Constraints   28-29           2.4.2 Structure Generating   29           2.4.3 Non-universality of the Candidate Set   29-30           2.4.4 Absolute Ungrammaticality   30           2.4.5 Faithfulness Violations in Syntax   30-31           2.4.6 Optimal Analysis of Negative Operator/Auxiliary/Subject:a Case Study   31-34           2.4.7 Conclusion   34       2.5 OPTIMALITY-THEORETICAL SEMANTECS   34-43           2.5.1 Some Notions in Optimality-theoretic Semantics   34-35           2.5.2 Mutual Relations between OT Syntax and OT Semantics   35-37           2.5.3 OT Semantics and Processing of Coordination: a Case Study   37-43       2.6 Summary   43-44   Chapter Three Wh-quantification: Movement or Non-Movement   44-75       3.1 Two Hypotheses on Wh-phrases   45-72       3.2 Cross-linguistic Variation of Wh-phrases: English vs Chinese   72-74       3.3 Summary   74-75   Chapter Four Constraint Interaction in OT Syntax: Orders ofWh-phrases   75-87       4.1 The Syntax of Questions   75-79       4.2 Cross-linguistic Variation of Orders in Wh-phrases   79-86       4.3 Summary   86-87   Chapter Five Ineffability, Optionality and Inputs in Wh-Syntax   87-130       5.1 Ineffability in Wh-Syntax   87-99       5.2 Optionality in Wh-Syntax   99-115       5.3 Inputs in Wh-Syntax   115-129       5.4 Summary   129-130   Chapter Six Constraint Interaction in OT Semantics: Ambiguity ofWh-Quantification   130-156       6.1 The Smantics of Questions   130-140       6.2 Constraints in OT Semantics   140-142       6.3 Cross-linguistic Analysis on Ambiguity of Wh-quantification   142-155       6.4 Summary   155-156   Conclusion   156-161   References   161-170   Acknowledgements   170-171   Appendix A   171-172   Appendix B 详细中文摘要   172-177  
