
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05
本文拟在优选论的实际框架下研究Wh一量化的情势和意义成绩。文章重要研究以下三个成绩:(1)优选句法与准绳参数实际的关系是甚么,特殊是优选句法的评价操作与准绳参数实际的演算操作有何干系;(2)管辖Wh量化情势与解读的制约前提是甚么;(3)从跨说话的角度剖析,这些制约前提是若何排序从而发生响应的最优项。课题的研究目标在于提出某些广泛性的制约前提(Universal Constraints),说明天然说话中纷纷庞杂的Wh量化景象。作者以为,至多有三条制约前提介入了Wh量化情势切实其实定:疑问标志前提(Q一Marking),疑问域前提(Q一Scope),原位滞留前提(Stay)。前两项为标志性制约前提(Markedness Constraint),后者为忠诚性制约前提(Faithfulness Constraint)。Wh移位说话(例如英语)的制约前提有以下分列:疑问标志前提原位滞留前提疑问域前提。若疑问域前提高于原位滞留前提(疑问标志前提疑问域前提原位滞留前提),则多项Wh一前置景象(如保加利亚语)可以获得公道说明。若制约前提的排序为疑问域前提原位滞留前提疑问标志前提,则别的一些说话(如捷克语)中的多项Wh前置景象可以获得解释。若原位滞留前提排序最高,而疑问域前提又高于疑问标志前提(原位滞留前提疑问域前提疑闭标志前提),我们就可以说明汉语和日语等说话中的Wh一原位滞留景象。以上所述的OT句法是基于措辞人的语法,剖析的偏向是由意义到情势,即输出项为意义(详细说是句子的论元构造)而输入项为情势(句法构造)。OT语义则是基于受话人的语法,韩语论文题目,其剖析偏向是由情势到意义。它们都请求输出项与输入项的逐个对应。因为天然说话具有一对多的特色,是以,我们用制约联络(ConstraintTie)来处理这一成绩。若制约前提序列中有两个前提位置同等,输入的候选项中则能够涌现两个优选项,若是三个前提位置同等,则有三个优选项涌现的能够。经由过程对汉语、英语、日语和韩语Wh一量化的意义剖析,我们得出,至多有四个制约前提介入了Wh量化的意义处置:最短间隔准绳(Minimal Distance Principle),原位滞留前提(Stay),题元婚配前提(Thematic Fit),疑问词话题化前提(Obligatory Wh一Topic)。以Wh短语与量化短语的交互感化(WH/QP Interaction)为例,在英语中,假如句子的主语为量化短语,宾语为Wh短语,则句子有两种解读:单一问句解读(Single Question Reading)和成对列表解读(Pair List Reading)。假定制约前提的分列为题元婚配前提最短间隔准绳。疑问词话题化前提原位滞留前提,我们可以或许获得单一问句解读和成对列表解读这两个优选项。汉语的LF构造与英语雷同,是以,韩语论文题目,响应的汉语句子也有两个优选项。若英语中句子主语为Wh一短语,宾语为量化短语,则句子只要单一问句解读。假定原位滞留前提高于制约联络,即题元婚配前提原位滞留前提最短间隔准绳。疑问词话题化前提,我们就可以获得单一问句解读这一独一的优选项。在日语和韩语中,主语为量化短语、宾语为Wh短语的句子只能有单一问句解读。若假定制约前提的排序为题元婚配前提疑问词话题化前提最短间隔准绳。原位滞留前提,这一景象就可以获得公道说明。以上提到的制约前提其实不是处理Wh量化的全体前提。我们只是提出,至多有这些前提介入了对Wh量化情势与意义的剖析。我们愿望,在后续的研究中可以或许发明更多、更完美的制约前提对Wh一量化做出更加详实的剖析。


This paper intends to discuss the situation and the significance of Wh in the practical framework of the optimization theory. This paper study the following three results: (1) optimality syntax and criterion of the actual parameter of relationship is what, especially preferred syntax assessment and criterion of the actual parameter calculus operation have what is the relationship between; (2) under the jurisdiction of the wh quantitative situation and interpretation of the condition is what; (3) from the perspective of cross talk analysis, the condition is how to sort which occurred in response to the optimal item. The research object of this paper is to put forward some Universal Wh (Constraints), which is a complex and heterogeneous phenomenon in natural language. In the author's opinion, there are at least three constraints on the premise of Wh quantification, which is the premise of the (Marking Q), the Scope (Q), and the in situ retention (Stay). The first two are Faithfulness Markedness (Constraint), the latter is the premise of loyalty (Constraint). Wh shift to speak (for example, the constraints of the language of the constraints are the following: the premise of the question marks the premise of in situ residence premise, the premise of doubt. If the premise of doubt is higher than that in the premise of the premise of the premise of the doubt, the premise of the doubt is the premise of the premise of the doubt, the number of Wh a front sight (such as the Bulgarian language) can be obtained. If the constraints of the premise of the premise of the premise of the question is the premise of the question mark, then some other words (such as the Czech language) in a number of Wh front sights can be explained. If the premise of in situ retention is the highest, and the premise of the question is higher than that of the question marks (in the premise of the premise of the premise of the premise of the premise of the premise of the doubt), we can show that the Wh in Chinese and Japanese, a in situ retention phenomenon. The OT syntax is based on the syntax of the language, the analysis of the bias is from the meaning of the situation, that is, the output of the meaning of the sentence (in detail is the sentence structure of the argument) and the input of the situation (syntactic structure). OT semantics is based on the grammar of the subject, the analysis of the deviation is from the situation to the meaning. They both require the output item to correspond to one of the input items. Because natural language has a unique feature, we use ConstraintTie to deal with this problem. If there are two premises in the constraints of the premise, the input of the candidate will be able to emerge in the two option, if the three prerequisite for the same position, there are three excellent options to emerge. Through the process of Chinese, English, Japanese and Korean wh quantitative significance analysis, we come to the conclusion that at least four conditions are involved in the wh quantization disposal meaning: the principle of the shortest interval (minimal distance principle), in situ stranded premise (stay), thematic marriage provided (thematic fit), notes and comments on Ci Poetry questions questions of the premise (Obligatory wh a topic). Wh phrases and quantified expressions of interaction effect (WH/QP interaction), for example, in English, if the subject of the sentence is quantified expressions, object for wh phrases, sentences are two kinds of interpretation: Interpretation of a single question (single question reading) and paired with lists interpretation (pair list reading). In conditions of the argument for assuming "the shortest distance principle premise of marriage. Doubt Cihua question the premise of "in situ retention premise, we can perhaps get a single question interpretation and paired with lists interpretation of the two best option. The LF structure of the Chinese language is similar to that of English, and it has two advantages in response to the sentence. If Wh a phrase as the subject of the sentence in English, in order to quantify the object phrases, sentences, as long as a single sentence interpretation. In situ retention increased to restrict the assumption of contact, namely "thematic marriage premise premise" in situ retention shortest distance principle. Question words question the premise, we can get a single optimization question the interpretation of this one. In Japanese and Korean, the subject is quantitative phrases, object Wh phrase sentence can have only a single interpretation of questions. "If the premise of marriage sort Title element assumed conditions of the title of" the premise of interrogative words short distance principle. In situ retention of the premise, the scene can be obtained at a reasonable explanation. The constraints mentioned above are not the premise of Wh quantification. We just put forward, at most, these are the premise of the Wh to quantify the situation and the significance of the analysis. We wish, in the follow-up study can be more and more perfect the constraints on the premise of a more detailed analysis of the Wh.

