
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Talk taboo important and death, disease, sex, exudation, appellation, and so on, have infiltrated into all aspects of life, we can say that every day we are talking taboo. The expression of the wrong words will damage other people's emotions, interpersonal relationships and even the formation of an important international relations, so the study and application of the language taboo is very important. Although China and South Korea belong to the Confucian circle of civilization, there are many similar words taboo, but each has its own characteristics. Analysis of the similarities and differences between Chinese and Korean taboo, is more conducive to understanding the culture of the two countries. Language learning should not only learn professional knowledge to know more civilization, sometimes cultural differences lead to problems often than speak owe Heng lead to problems more serious. This paper is divided into three departments. The first part is the first chapter introduce taboo and talk taboo coherent concept, the second is from the second chapter to the fifth chapter from varieties, strategy, object, methods of expression,, causes, rheological bias and other aspects of the analysis of the similarities and differences between the Chinese and Korean Speaking Taboo, the third sector is the sixth chapter understand taboo civilization of Chinese as a foreign language teaching and cross cultural diplomatic action, analysis in foreign language teaching and cross cultural diplomacy encountered a taboo to speak to stop personage of Chinese as a foreign language teaching task and research to provide some sponsorship.


中文摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   绪论   8-11   第一章 禁忌语言禁忌的概念   11-13       第一节 禁忌的概念及由来   11-12       第二节 语言禁忌的概念、特点及功能   12-13   第二章 汉韩语言禁忌策略对比   13-28       第一节 避凶的语言策略对比   13-20           一、 对死亡与疾病的婉转表述   13-16           二、 节日与数字   16-18           三、 职业   18           四、 运气   18-19           五、 动物   19-20       第二节 崇尊的语言策略对比   20-23           一、 称谓   20           二、 职业称谓   20-22           三、 敬语体系   22-23       第三节 避俗的语言策略对比   23-27           一、 生理现象   23-24           二、 日常生活   24-27       本章小结   27-28   第三章 汉韩语言禁忌的对象及表达方式对比   28-35       第一节 汉韩语言禁忌的对象对比   28-30           一、 神灵和权势   28-29           二、 弱势群体   29           三、 引起不快情绪的事物   29-30       第二节 汉韩语言禁忌的表达方式对比   30-35           一、 汉语委婉语构成方式   30-31           二、 韩国语委婉语构成方式   31-33           三、 汉韩委婉语构成方式对比   33-35   第四章 汉韩语言禁忌的成因对比   35-38       第一节 心理原因   35-36           一、 恐惧心理   35           二、 崇拜心理   35-36           三、 避俗求雅心理   36       第二节 社会文化原因   36-38           一、 社会体制不同   36-37           二、 受外文化作用程度不同   37-38   第五章 汉韩语言禁忌的流变方向对比   38-42       第一节 词汇的变化对比   38-39           一、 外来词   38-39           二、 新生禁忌语   39       第二节 使用语境的变化对比   39-42           一、 禁忌语的使用语境   39           二、 不同语境下语言禁忌范围的变化   39-42   第六章 了解禁忌文化对对外汉语教学及跨文化交际的影响   42-45       第一节 了解禁忌文化对对外汉语教学的影响   42-43           一、 对外汉语教学实例   42-43           二、 了解禁忌文化对对外汉语教学的影响   43       第二节 了解禁忌文化对跨文化交际的影响   43-45           一、 避免交际失败   43-44           二、 促进良好沟通   44-45   结语   45-46   参考文献   46-48   致谢   48  
