
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Luo Dan in the sculpture first into a "ancient understanding" of the sculpture to speak. Break the traditional sculpture to detailed images expressed as a means of achieving goals, from active to automatic, from space to space creation, eventually establish the sculpture itself to speak, the actual down is marked the beginning of the ancient Oriental Sculpture. The influence of ancient oriental art, has changed the ancient sculpture, in South korea. A new things from happening to be Nianye all received again and plain near family complex fusion after a road occurred new forms of art must be required in the stage of a long and painful, and I think that this process is consistent with natural discipline of. In the process of growth we are also aware of the ancient, facing our own energy needs, the expression of the idea, must have its own civilization targeted, there is a personal style and the words of the mark. However any art occurrence and development are inseparable with his historical background. In the study invention South Korea and China have had a close contact, because they use a similar text and mutually nearest neighbors. But, clearly, although the two countries have frequent cultural exchange, but they invented the sculpture civilization according to their historical geographical environment and establish the differences of different situation. China has always been exploring sculpture realism trend, but South Korea was biased in eccentric modernism and post modernism the cost of civilized socialism factions. These factions by in Western Europe or the United States art style influence and change. Therefore, in this paper, the growth of the Han and the ancient figurative sculpture stopped combing, comparison, depth analysis, the future growth of some consideration, but also for me in the future creation of the supply of the weak basis. Also also desire and Korean between continuous and ceaseless exchange, so as to further promote the kind of complexes to persist and with Asian values but remain their deposit sculpture civilization.


中文摘要   4-5   英文摘要   5   目录   6-7   引言   7-8   一、韩、中现代具象雕塑的形成   8-15       (一) 韩、中现代具象雕塑的起源   8-9       (二) 发展初期雕塑家及著作特点   9-15   二、韩、中现代具象雕塑的变迁过程   15-27       (一) 西方现代艺术对韩、中现代具象雕塑发展的作用   15       (二) 现韩、中现代具象雕塑发展的几个时期   15-27           1. 1920年-1940年代   15-16           2. 1950年-1970年代   16-20           3. 1980年-2000年代   20-24           4. 2000年代以后   24-27   三、韩、中现当代具象雕塑的异同   27-29       (一) 社会体质异同下的雕塑家   27       (二) 大学教育体系的异同   27-29   四、韩、中现当代具象雕塑的特点   29-35       (一) 韩国现代具象雕塑家的特点(新型材料雕塑家及著作)   29-31       (二) 中国当代具象雕塑家的特点(代表性雕塑家及著作)   31-35   五、韩、中现当代具象雕塑发展探讨的意义   35-37   结语   37-38   参考文献   38-39   附录   39-40   后记   40  
