摘要:迷信技巧是第平生产力,面临最近几年来全球对于学术研究和年夜型科研项目标赓续投入,若何防治科研赓续行动,扶植科研诚信体系体例为曾经成为国际社会和学术界连续存眷的热门和难点成绩。经由过程比拟和剖析世界最蓬勃的美国在“E.T.波尔曼事宜”、新兴本钱主义韩国在“黄禹锡事宜”及最年夜成长中国度的中国在“陈进事宜”等科研不端行动典范案件的查处法式,可以得出,已构建健全科研不端行动防备体系体例和机制的美国,有着准确、实时、机密的查处法式,并能施展其应有的公正、公平与效力感化;事前没有相干司法和规章轨制,过后积极面临成绩探究经历的韩国,也能准确、实时和有用地查处黄禹锡事宜,并积极树立相干防备体系体例;面临相似突发事宜的中国,固然存在立法缺乏、体系体例不全、法式公平性和功效性完善等成绩,却也积极推进了相干轨制扶植,尽力扶植科研诚信系统。以后,中国对于科研不端行动的查处法式还不敷健全,很多方面都还有待完美,是以,自创蓬勃国度对于科研不端行动处置法式的无益经历和联合本国本身情形制订出相符我国国情的科研不端查处系统,是我国扶植科研诚信系统的主要步调。 Abstract: Abstract: Science and technology is the productivity, facing in recent years world of academic research and large research projects standard ceaselessly input, how to prevent and cure research gengxu action, foster the integrity of scientific research system style has become the international society and academia continuously deposited a hot and difficult problem. Through the comparison and analysis of the world's most flourishing in the United States, "E.T. spoke matters" emerging capitalist South Korea in the "Hwang Woo-suk issue" and the biggest growth of Chinese Chinese in "Chen Jin matters" and other scientific misconduct cases of French action model, can be obtained, has been the construction of a sound scientific misconduct against the system and mechanism of action the United States, with accurate, real-time, confidential investigation procedures, and can play its due role of justice, fairness and validity; no prior judicial and coherent rules, after the positive exploration achievement facing experience South Korea, can real-time and accurate, useful to investigate Hwang Woo-suk matters, and actively establish relevant precaution system; facing sudden matters are China, lack of legislation, system insufficiency, fairness and effectiveness of French perfect results, but also actively promote The construction of relevant system, try hard to foster scientific research integrity system. Later, China's scientific research misconduct investigation procedures are not perfect, many aspects have yet to be perfect, is to create a thriving country on the disposal of scientific misconduct and the lack of experience and the United Nations itself to develop a consistent system of research misconduct in China's national conditions, is the main step to foster the integrity of the system of scientific research. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 1 绪论 9-18 1.1 问题的提出及其探讨目的和意义 9-12 1.1.1 问题的提出 9-11 1.1.2 论文探讨目的和意义 11-12 1.2 国内外相关探讨近况及其评述 12-16 1.2.1 国外相关探讨近况及其评述 12-13 1.2.2 国内相关探讨近况及其评述 13-16 1.3 论文探讨的基本框架及主要措施 16-18 1.3.1 论文探讨的基本框架 16 1.3.2 论文探讨的主要措施 16-18 2 美韩中三国科研不端行为典型案例查处经过 18-26 2.1 选择中美韩三国作为典型案例的原因 18 2.2 美国“E.T.波尔曼案件”查处经过 18-21 2.2.1 最初的举报与佛蒙特大学的质询 19 2.2.2 佛蒙特大学的调查 19-20 2.2.3 探讨诚信办公室(ORI)的监督审查及其调查结果 20-21 2.2.4 行政与司法处罚方法 21 2.3 韩国“黄禹锡事件”查处经过 21-23 2.3.1 黄禹锡的科研内容 21-22 2.3.2 最初的伦理质疑 22 2.3.3 对黄禹锡不端行为的检举和揭发 22 2.3.4 对黄禹锡不端行为的调查 22 2.3.5 对黄禹锡不端行为的行政与司法处理 22-23 2.4 中国“陈进事件”查处经过 23-26 2.4.1 内部人最初举报 23 2.4.2 媒体响应、跟进及深度报道 23-24 2.4.3 多部门联合调查 24 2.4.4 关于陈进造假行为的处理 24-26 3 美韩中三国科研不端行为案件查处程序的差异 26-33 3.1 美韩中三国各自对于科研不端行为事件的查处程序 26-30 3.1.1 美国对科研不端行为事件的查处程序 26-28 3.1.2 韩国和中国的科研不端行为事件查处程序 28-30 3.2 美韩中三国科研不端行为事件查处程序的差异比较 30-31 3.2.1 美韩中三国关于科研不端行为事件查处的程序异同 30-31 3.2.2 美韩中三国关于科研不端行为事件查处程序的相同或类似性 31 3.3 美韩两国在科研不端查处程序中对中国的启示 31-33 4 美韩科研不端行为案件查处程序的借鉴意义 33-38 4.1 强化科学理念的正确引导 33-35 4.1.1 培养树立正确统一的诚信理念 33-34 4.1.2 明确科研不端行为事件查处程序的目的与意义 34-35 4.2 充分实施“三全”诚信保证机制与学术评价及奖惩机制 35-36 4.2.1 充分实施“三全”诚信保证机制 35 4.2.2 健全学术评价及奖惩机制 35-36 4.3 严格遵循基本准则并创新同行专家评审措施 36-38 4.3.1 确立并严格遵循科研不端行为事件查处程序的基本准则 36-37 4.3.2 创新同行专家评审措施以实现与查处程序的相辅相成 37-38 结语 38-39 参考文献 39-42 在读硕士学位期间的主要科研成果 42-43 致谢 43 |