韩国和中国一衣带水,自古以来就有各方面的来往,跟着经济全球化的成长,中国曾经成为世界最年夜的市场,世界列国鼓起了“汉语热”,在韩国也不破例,中韩两国的接洽愈来愈亲密,文明交换的须要愈来愈遭到看重,各类平易近间和官方的进修汉语的渠道日渐活泼,个中包含由中国国度汉语办公室组织的获得韩国教导厅支撑的CPIK项目,此项目旨在赞助韩国普及中小学汉语教导,其教授教养情况和教授教养对象具有必定的特别性,作者身为CPIK项目标一员,韩语论文范文,在韩国木浦第一男子高中任教练习时代,韩国粹生的进修兴致不高,教室效力低下,一度形成汉语课的停顿艰苦,经由文献的查阅和后人的学术经历的启发,自己发明全身反响法在顺应韩国高中先生汉语进修特色,韩语论文,改良汉语进修现状方面有自创的能够性和潜伏的价值。作为一种说话进修法,全身反响法在英语教授教养中获得了看重和确定,特别遭到幼儿和中小学英语教授教养者的追捧,但在汉语作为第二说话进修范畴,全身反响法尚处于起步阶段,还有很年夜的施展空间,因此在本文中加以论证和发掘,愿望给韩国从事中小学汉语教授教养的相干人士带来参考和灵感,也等待感兴致的学者持续深化此教授教养法在汉语教授教养中的应用,推进这一实际的成熟和完美。 Abstract: South Korea and China since ancient times there is a narrow strip of water, all aspects of the exchange, with the globalization of economy growth, Chinese has become the world's largest market, the world had the "Chinese fever" in South Korea, China and South Korea is no exception, with more and more intimate, more and more culture exchange needs by value, all kinds of people and the official learning Chinese channel is lively, including the Chinese nation by China Office of the Organization Department of the support of South Korea to teach CPIK project, this project aims to support South Korea universal primary and secondary school Chinese teaching, the teaching situation and teaching object has certain author, as a member of CPIK project, teaching practice in the era of the first South Korea Mokpo man high school, Korean students learning interest is not high, the efficiency is low, once formed the Chinese class Pause is hard, inspired by literature review and future generations of academic experience, our invention systemic response method in response to the Korean high school students Chinese learning characteristics and improvement of Chinese learning situation is created and the latent value. As a language learning method, systemic response method in the teaching of English won the value and determined, especially by children and primary and secondary school English teaching the sought after, but in Chinese as the second language learning category, systemic response method is still in the initial stage, and is the eve of the display space, therefore in this paper proves and explore, wishes to South Korea engaged in primary and middle school Chinese teaching of coherent sources bring reference and inspiration, waiting for the sense of interest of scholars continued to deepen this teaching method in Chinese teaching in the use, and promote the real mature and perfect. 目录: 中文摘要 6-7 Abstract 7-8 第一章 绪论 9-13 1.1 探讨的背景和意义 9-10 1.2 文献综述 10-13 1.2.1 中国英语教学界的探讨 10-11 1.2.2 中国对外汉语教学界的探讨 11-13 第二章 全身反应法的理论基础 13-30 2.1 全身反应教学法的提出 13-19 2.1.1 生理及心理学基础 14-17 2.1.2 语言学基础 17-19 2.2 全身反应法的教学基本准则 19-20 2.3 全身反应法的教学模式 20-26 2.4 TPR 教学法的优点和缺点 26-30 2.4.1 TPR 教学法的优势 26-28 2.4.2 TPR 教学法的局限 28-30 第三章 全身反应法运用于韩国木浦第一女子高中汉语教学的可行性略论 30-49 3.1 TPR 教学法对韩国高中汉语教学具有普遍意义 30-37 3.2 对在韩国木浦第一女子高中实施 TPR 教学法的必要性调查 37-49 3.2.1 木浦第一女子高中的汉语辅助课近况 37 3.2.2 调查目的 37-38 3.2.3 调查问卷的设计说明 38 3.2.4 问卷调查对象 38 3.2.5 对问卷调查数据的略论 38-49 第四章 全身反应法在木浦第一女子高中汉语辅助课中的运用设计 49-71 4.1 基于全身反应法的教学内容选择 49-56 4.2 教学设计的基本准则 56-57 4.3 教学下半年16个周的总体设计表 57-71 4.3.1 韩国木浦第一女子高中汉语 TPR 教学法辅助课计划表 57-63 4.3.2 个案略论教学设计举例——汉语手工课(折纸荷花)/问路——去大明湖怎么走? 63-71 第五章 结论 71-73 5.1 论文的主要内容及基本结论 71-72 5.2 探讨的不足及后续探讨设想 72-73 参考文献 73-75 附录 1 75-77 附录 2 77-79 致谢 79 |