进入21世纪以来,跟着经济实力的赓续突起,国度位置的赓续上升,中国已然成了世界注视的核心,但与此同时,突起国与既有年夜国和周边国度产生的构造性抵触招致中国的地缘情况遭受伟大的挑衅,特别是作为中国战争成长主要计谋依托的西南亚地域,堕入亚洲平安窘境状况。中国今朝正处于其成长的计谋机会期,须要有一个稳固的周边计谋情况,而韩国作为中国西南亚地域的主要一环,对于中国来讲有着极端主要的计谋意义,韩语毕业论文,乃至可以成为中国改良其计谋情况的一个主要冲破口。但与此同时,突起国与周边国的这类构造性抵触使得计谋平安方面韩国强化了与美国的联盟,中国威逼论的风行也使得韩公民众对中国的战争突起发生了恐怖和质疑。传统的文明交际措施对于此显得步履维艰。本辞意图经由过程探寻以后中国对韩这类差别于传统交际的文明交际,以此追求更好的措施来增强两国国民的互相懂得和信赖,使得韩公民众更容易懂得中国以后实施的战争成长计谋,更容易接收以后赓续成长的中国。本文第一章重要剖析了中国展开对韩文明交际的一系列动因,重要有:文明交际本身的主要价值意义;对韩文明交际:改良中国突起计谋情况的须要;对韩文明交际:改良中国突起言论情况的须要;第二章则对中韩建交以来的纵向成长停止了审阅,重要有:对中韩两国的文明交际所获得的一系列结果停止了评价,确定了文明交际在两国关系改良方面所起到的主要感化;对中韩两国文明交际进程中所碰到的一系列窘境停止了评价,论述了今朝两国文明交际进程中存在的一些成绩和困扰;最初对两国文明交际的远景做了一个评价,即今朝中韩两都城处于成长的计谋机会期,都须要有一个优越的计谋情况,韩语论文,在政治、经济、平安方面进一步深化较艰苦的情形下,文明交际作为冲破口,两国文明交际的进一步深化与成长将是必定之趋向。最初一个章节重要是针对今朝两国文明交际的现状,为进一步深化其水平,使得韩国国民更好的懂得中国当局的交际政策,更容易接收赓续成长的中国,中国方面可以采用的一些详细办法。 Abstract: Since entering the 21st century, along with the ceaseless projections of economic strength, national position rises ceaselessly, China has already become the core of looking at the world, but at the same time, projections and big country and neighboring countries of constructive conflict lead to China's geopolitical situation suffered great provocation, especially grow as Chinese war main strategy relying on the south west region, falling Asia peace dilemma situation. Currently China is in the growth of the strategic opportunity period, need to have a stable surrounding strategic environment, while South Korea as China South West Asia region is a major part, about China has a extremely important strategic significance and can become China's reform and the strategy of a major breach. But at the same time, raised our neighboring country with the class of constructive conflict makes strategic security aspects of South Korea to strengthen the alliance with the United States, China threat theory popular also makes the Korean public of China's war projections the terrorist and questioned. The traditional method of cultural communication on this is said of an aged person. The phrase meaning through analysis of the process of the China of Han of this difference in traditional communication of cultural communication, this pursuit of better methods to enhance the peoples of the two countries mutual understanding and trust, the Korean public easy to understand China after the implementation of the war development strategy, are more likely to receive after ceaseless development of China. The first chapter of this paper analyzes the important Chinese launched a series of important reasons, Han Wenming communication are: the main value of civilization communication itself; the Han Wenming communication: need to improve the situation of Chinese projection strategy; Han Wenming: improved communication Chinese speech situation must be raised; the second chapter on the longitudinal growth of the establishment of diplomatic relations were reviewed there are a series of important results, the two countries' cultural communication obtained has been evaluated to determine the main role of cultural communication plays in improving relations between the two countries; a series of dilemma encountered in the process of cultural communication between China and South Korea were evaluated, discussed some achievements and problems existing between the two countries cultural communication in the process of bilateral cultural communication; the initial vision made an evaluation, and that the current two capital in the growth. Opportunity, are required to have a superior strategy, in the political, economic and security to further deepen difficult situation and cultural communication as a breach, civilization communication between the two countries further deepening and growth will be inevitable trend. First chapter is important in view of the present situation both cultural communication, to further deepen the level, the South Korean people better understand Chinese authorities communication policy, are more likely to receive the ceaseless development China. China can use some specific methods. 目录: |