进修和懂得一个国度的说话,意味着要进修说话国度的据说读写等根本性的说话功效。说话和说话国度的社会文明有密弗成分的关系。为准确懂得说话必需要懂得说话国度的社会文明状态。本论文经由过程对研究史的商量,对说话进修所必须的有价值的、现有的文学著作作为文明教导和说话教导的一个环节,停止了剖析,韩语论文网站,同时剖析总结出往后改良的偏向。为了知足和进步进修者们的请求,提出了说话·文学·文明相联合的教授教养办法。为了停止上述研究,斟酌到作为本国人来讲,韩国文学文体中古代小说可以或许轻易懂得,所以选择教材中涌现的代表性的古代小说误发弹和狗粪作为研究典范,经由过程对该著作的讲传授剖析,从说话的正面、文学的正面、文明的正面来商量文学教导办法。即,韩语论文,在停止语法教导和言语沟通教导时,可让进修者感触感染和懂得目标语国度与本国文明的类似性和差别性,同时经由过程文学著作的进修获得对于文学史、作家、文学的属性等方面的文学教导。本文第二章商量了韩国语教导中文学教导的意义,并评论辩论了韩国语教导和古代小说教导的联系关系性。活用文学著作不只仅作为进修说话的材料,而是说话文明文学配合成长的综合性进修。是以本章对国际重要年夜学运用的韩国语教材中收录的古代小说著作停止了查询拜访,并以韩国语进修者对韩国语教导者为对象实行问卷查询拜访,并剖析成果。在第三章确认了文学著作的选定尺度,而且对活用古代小说停止韩国语教导的目的和需要性停止了评论辩论。本文第四章,以相符上述著作选定尺度的韩国古代小说误发弹和狗粪为例,研究整顿出讲课指点计划。起首,提出课程的进修目的及传授内容,并总结了整体讲课指点计划和阶段讲课计划。进修者在进修目的说话时,常常经由过程说话国度代代相传的文学素材去懂得该国度的社会、风气习气、平常生涯、思惟等方面,由此能力和说话国度更近间隔接触。韩国语教导也是如斯。所以,韩国语教导中文学教导不是选择性停止的而是必需展开的。 Abstract: To learn and to understand the nature of a country is the effect of a nation's learning. The relationship between talking and talking the country's social civilization there is a close. In order to understand the state of social civilization in the state of the country's social civilization. This thesis is to discuss the history of the study, and to talk about the need to learn the value of the existing literary works as a part of the teaching and learning of civilization, a link to stop the analysis, and analyze the future of the modified bias. In order to meet the requirements of the advanced learners, the teaching method of the combination of speaking, literature and civilization is put forward. In order to stop the research. Considering as a native speaking, Korean literary style in ancient novels can perhaps easy to understand, so the choice of textbooks in the emergence of a representative of the ancient novel "missent bomb" and "dog" as a research model. Through the process to the work of professors say analysis, from the front of the front face and the civilization of the positive words, literature to discuss literature teaching approach. That is, in the process of stopping the teaching of grammar and language communication, it can make the learners feel and understand the similarities and differences between the target language and their own civilization. In Chapter 2, we discuss the Korean teaching guidance significance to learn Chinese, comment and debate the Korean teaching and ancient novel teaching relationship. Use of literary works not only as a language material, but speak civilization integrated with the further growth of literature. In this chapter of international importance University Application of Korean language textbooks of the collected works of ancient novels to carry on the investigation, and Korean learners of Korean taught them as the object implementation of questionnaire survey, and analysis of the results. In the third chapter confirmed the selected scale of literary works, but also to utilize ancient novel stop Korean teaching purpose and need to stop the debate comments. In the fourth chapter, to match the works selected scale of ancient Korean novels "missent bomb" and "dog" as an example, the research to rectify the instructions carefully. First of all, the purpose and content of the course is presented, and the whole lecture instruction plan and stage teaching plan are summarized. Learners in learning to speak, often through talk nation from generation to generation of the literature material to understand the country society, the habit, daily life, thoughts, etc., thus and speaking country closer spacing of contact. Korean teaching is also so. So, learn Korean teaching Chinese teachings are not selective but must start stop. 目录: |