背诵法是陈旧的一种进修措施,其简略易于操作,是以在说话进修中被很多人运用,但很多教员把背诵看做“逝世记硬背”,对其感化评价甚低。而现实上背诵是较相符人类外语习得进程(输出—摄取—输入)的教授教养法,为了完成背诵义务,进修者须要反复说话输出进程,促使其将留意力集中于信息存储、坚持、衔接到目标语的输入。是以,笔者以为背诵法是合适于汉语初学者运用的有用措施。为此,在征得练习黉舍赞成后,韩语论文,笔者设计了12名被试的按期试验,共供给3次背诵义务(共27个句子),不雅察并剖析了背诵前后,韩国汉语初学者读材料时的语速变更、对汉语句子构造控制的准确度和默写短文进程中所输入的汉语上的异同。经由过程为期1个月时光的试验,终究得出的试验成果为:1.背诵对汉语初学者读材料的语速发生作用——进步语速;2.在书写句子构造方面存在配合的偏误,但因题型分歧所发生的各类偏误比例各不雷同,韩语论文网站,个中“省略”与“语序”的偏误比例最高;3.背诵对汉语初学者准确控制汉语句式构造发生积极作用;4.背诵对汉语初学者准确运用副词发生感化;5.背诵使汉语初学者写短文的长度增长、辞汇和句型多样化。本研究以教授教养试验为基本,详细剖析背诵法在韩国汉语初学者说话输入中的感化,是对汉语输入研究范畴的扩大和深化,对韩国低级程度的高中生汉语的习得具有必定的适用价值。然则因为主客不雅前提的限制,被试人数、试验时长都存在必定局限,是以该研究在广度和深度上都有待进一步商量。 Abstract: Recitation is a learning method of the old, simple and easy to operate, is to be a lot of people in the application of language learning, but many teachers to recite as "rote", very low evaluation on its effect. And recitation is more in line with the teaching method of human language acquisition process (output - intake - input), in order to complete the recitation compulsory, learners need to repeatedly speak output process, prompting the focus attention in information storage, persistence, convergence to the input of the target language. Is, I think that recitation is a useful method suitable for Chinese beginners application. Therefore, after the consent of the practice in favor of schools, the author designed the 12 subjects regularly test, total supply 3 times recite obligation (a sentence of 27), observations and analysis of the recitation before and after, Korean language beginners reading materials of speed change, the Chinese sentence structure control of the quasi difference accuracy and dictation passages in the process of the input of Chinese. Through a period of 1 month time test, finally obtains the experimental results: 1. Recite for Chinese beginners reading speed material influence -- progress speed; 2. In writing and sentence structure exists with the bias, but due to different types of all kinds of error ratio of each are not identical, medium "omission" and "order" error ratio is the highest; 3. Recite Chinese beginners to accurately control the Chinese sentence structure have a positive impact; 4. Recite Chinese beginners to accurately using adverbs to produce effect. Recite enable Chinese beginners to write essay length increasing, vocabulary and sentence pattern diversification. This study to teaching experiments for basic, a detailed analysis of the method of Recitation in Korean language beginners to speak and input in the role of is on Chinese input in the research in the field of the expanding and deepening, to South Korea lower degree of high school students Chinese acquisition has certain utility value. However because the subjective and objective condition limit. The number of subjects, test duration, there must be limited, is to the study on the breadth and depth of the need to be further discussed. 目录: 摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4-5 表格目录 8-9 1 绪论 9-16 1.1 选题缘起与探讨意义 9 1.2 相关理论探讨综述 9-14 1.2.1 本探讨的理论基础 9-12 1.2.2 相关探讨综述 12-14 1.3 探讨内容和探讨措施 14-16 1.3.1 探讨内容 14 1.3.2 探讨措施 14-16 2 实验设计 16-20 2.1 实验对象 16 2.2 实验材料 16-18 2.2.1 读短文 16 2.2.2 写作任务 16-17 2.2.3 背诵任务 17 2.2.4 考试卷 17-18 2.3 实验步骤 18-20 2.3.1 读短文的前后测 18 2.3.2 写作任务的前后测 18-19 2.3.3 背诵任务的完成 19 2.3.4 三次考试的前后测 19-20 3 实验结果略论 20-41 3.1 背诵对汉语初学者语速的作用 20-23 3.2 背诵对汉语初学者掌握句子结构的作用 23-41 3.2.1 考试内容略论 23-35 3.2.2 写作内容略论 35-41 4 结语 41-45 4.1 结论 41-42 4.2 教学建议 42-43 4.3 本探讨的不足与展望 43-45 参考文献 45-48 附录 48-63 致谢 63-64 |