
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


In recent years, along with the information technology rapid development, people's career by all kinds of information goes into, in this society, people with information needs to be accomplished through a process of a major intermediary media. With the use of the media to seep into all aspects of social life, it is not only a great influence on the occurrence of the community's attention, but also aroused the attention of politicians. A scholar once said: "all of the eve of the circulating preface in the growing importance of information production, processing, management and the spread of social have been raised and become powerful institutions, and was known as the 'another authorities' or' authorities of the four part". From the beginning of 2002, South Korea's history was born the first collection of President Roh Moo-hyun, the collection of new media also began as a political spread of the object of application in South Korea to promote the election. People in the new media in the electoral politics can play a role, but also from the beginning of the question and not sure position gradually to determine the position, and began to actively invest in their research. Color in this paper by means of empirical research, through more access and reference home and abroad relevant literature and websites, understand the South Korean presidential election laws and regulations, bringing together some well-known query visit declaration issued by the centre for the study of scholars and research, and from 2002 open end, collecting new media application in the presidential election to promote examples material translation, rectify and resolution, analysis of collected new media in South Korea's president, the eve of the selected application status, for the practical application of the deficiency and hitting an obstacle factors to be analyzed and prospect future new media in political elections in the positive role of the collection.


中文摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   绪论   7-12       一、文献综述   8-10           1. 国外探讨近况概述   8-10           2. 国内探讨近况概述   10       二、探讨思路和论文框架   10-12   第一章 网络新媒体在韩国的发展近况   12-20       1.1 什么是网络新媒体?   12-13       1.2 网络新媒体的特点   13-15           1.2.1 高互动性   13-14           1.2.2 全时空性   14           1.2.3 广传播性   14-15           1.2.4 意见发散性   15       1.3 网络新媒体在韩国的发展近况   15-20   第二章 网络新媒体在韩国大选中的运用近况   20-30       2.1 通过创建候选人个人主页展示候选人魅力   21-24       2.2 通过网络新媒体与选民沟通和互动   24-26       2.3 利用网络新媒体作用选民的政治行为   26-28       2.4 利用网络新媒体对竞选对手进行攻击   28-30   第三章 网络新媒体在韩国总统大选中的运用略论   30-40       3.1 网络新媒体在韩国总统大选中的传播优势   30-31       3.2 网络新媒体在韩国总统大选中的不足之处   31-40           3.2.1 网络新媒体在政治选举过程中的运用,并没有明显提高选民投票率   32-37           3.2.2 政府对网络新媒体的管制,削弱了网络新媒体作为助选工具的积极效应   37-40   第四章 未来政治选举活动中网络新媒体的影响   40-42       4.1 网络新媒体传播对选举模式的作用   40       4.2 网络新媒体传播对候选人的作用   40-41       4.3 网络新媒体传播对选民的作用   41-42   结语   42-43   参考文献   43-44   在学期间的探讨成果   44-45   致谢   45  
