真人秀节目自2000年阁下在欧美国度鼓起后,一向是综艺节目标主力军。这一节目形状因存眷小我的真情实感、展示最生涯化的景不雅吸引了浩瀚不雅众的眼光,但又因锐意寻求“真实”深受诟病。最近几年来,真人秀的内在和内涵又有了进一步的成长,各类明星真人秀节目慢慢进入不雅众视野,电视节目进入“泛真人秀时期”。明星真人秀分歧于传统意义上由通俗人介入并录制播出的电视比赛游戏节目。这类真人秀节目标内容诉求表现了不雅众、节目制造方和明星掮客企业三方的好处博弈,取得了优越的功效后果。韩国明星真人秀节目早已鼓起并成长成熟,而中国仍处于起步阶段。如今因为收集技巧的成长,不雅众可以加倍方便的收看到国际外各类真人秀节目,流传渠道的转变也转变着不雅众的接收习气。韩国明星真人秀节目我们娶亲了就是一个在中国收集情况下获得跨文明流传胜利的案例。这一节目以明星设想娶亲为诉求,韩语论文网站,重点展示设想夫妻互动发生的火花,韩语论文范文,分歧于传统真人秀展示通俗人的生涯,节目选择明星出演既吸引了眼球,也制作了许多话题。节目自2008年3月首播后如今已进入到第四时,中国特辑版和世界版的我们娶亲了也接踵出炉。笔者一向存眷包含我们娶亲了在内的各类韩国综艺节目。本文将从构造功效角度动身剖析我们娶亲了在中韩两国年夜受迎接的缘由和当今收集流传形状下中国不雅众对于这一类明星真人秀节目内容诉求的接收后果,并愿望经由过程对我们娶亲了节目标略论,总结涌现今风行的明星真人秀节目标流传特色和成长远景。 Abstract: Reality show since 2000 in Europe and the United States in Europe and America, has always been the main force of the festival. This program shape because of attention to a person's true feelings, to show the most career landscape attracted a vast audience's vision, but due to forge seek "real" deeply criticized. In recent years, the intrinsic and connotation of the reality show has been further growth, all kinds of star reality show slowly into the vision of the audience, TV programs into the pan reality show period". Star reality show differences in the traditional sense of the popular people involved in and record the broadcast of the TV game show. This kind of reality show target appeal content showed audience, program production and star broker company tripartite benefit game, has superior efficacy consequences. South Korea star reality show has long been mature and mature, and China is still in its infancy. Now because of the growth of the collection techniques, the audience can be more convenient to watch the international and other types of reality show, the spread of the channel change is also changing the public's reception habits. Korean star reality show "our wedding" is a collection in China case get cross civilization spread victory of the case. This program to star envisaged wedding to appeal, the focus has been on display spark of idea of interaction between husband and wife, is different from traditional reality show popular career, program selection star not only to attract the eye, also produced a many topics. Program since its premiere in March 2008 and now has entered into the fourth, the Chinese special edition version and the version of the world "our wedding" have been released. I always pay close attention to all kinds of "our wedding", including the South Korean variety show. This paper will start from the angle of structure function analysis "our wedding" in China and South Korea big welcome reason and current collection spread shape of Chinese audience on the star of reality show content appeal receive consequences, desire and through the process of "our wedding" target analysis, summarize the emergence of this popular star of reality show spread characteristics and growth prospects. 目录: 摘要 3-4 Abstract 4 第一章 绪论 6-15 1.1 探讨背景及意义 6-8 1.2 探讨综述 8-14 1.2.1 对于真人秀与明星真人秀 8-10 1.2.2 对于内容诉求与接收效果 10-14 1.3 探讨措施 14-15 第二章 明星真人秀的结构探讨 15-21 2.1 明星真人秀的产业结构略论 15-18 2.1.1 明星制的结构 15-16 2.1.2 明星真人秀的产业结构 16-17 2.1.3 韩国明星真人秀的中国产业链结构 17-18 2.2 明星真人秀的栏目略论 18-21 第三章 我们结婚了的内容诉求探讨 21-31 3.1 真实性诉求 21-25 3.2 冲突性诉求 25-26 3.3 话题性诉求 26-27 3.4 视听语言多样性诉求 27-28 3.5 韩国文化诉求 28-31 第四章 我们结婚了的接受效果探讨 31-46 4.1 接受渠道探讨 31-36 4.1.1 我们结婚了的网络传播途径 31-33 4.1.2 我们结婚了的网络收视情况 33-36 4.1.3 网络传播对节目的作用 36 4.2 我们结婚了内容诉求的接受效果 36-46 4.2.1 真实性诉求的接受 37-40 4.2.2 冲突性诉求的接受 40-42 4.2.3 话题性诉求的接受 42-43 4.2.4 视听语言多样性诉求的接受 43-44 4.2.5 韩国文化诉求的接受 44-46 第五章 结语 46-48 参考文献 48-51 附录:我们结婚了已播出节目出演名单 51-52 致谢 52-53 |