
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Cooperative teaching form in recent years, the South Korean foreign language teaching was gradually popularized, research on it is still in the exploratory stage. This thesis will against the Korean high school Chinese classroom between Korean teacher collaboration teaching form carding, a detailed analysis of the advantages and limitations of the China ROK cooperation teaching, in order of teaching Chinese as a foreign language in cooperative teaching method research provides some professors teach raises the theory of reference, so that it can better enhance and expand South Korea's Chinese teaching career. The first chapter is the introduction section, the meaning and purpose of the important research background, including research and discussion. The second chapter analyzes the basic and practical cooperation teaching in foreign language classroom teaching cooperative advantage. Cooperative teaching as a new teaching organization forms, in foreign language teaching circles caused must concern, actual according to research this kind of teaching form, is bound to study its dependence, and in the foreign language classroom, whether it is for Mr., on teachers still for all teaching activities, cooperative teaching form have a significant advantage. The third chapter is the status of the Korean high school Chinese classroom. South Korea to teach hall and social group to become the language teaching career solid backup, the details of the high school Chinese classroom, analyzes the application status of current textbooks, teachers strength and Mr. situation. The fourth chapter is the men's high school in Seoul, South Korea, Germany, for example, a detailed analysis of the three forms of China and South Korea cooperation teaching, namely: South Korea teacher with leading Chinese classroom; leading Korean Chinese teacher, Chinese nationals primitives plain nearly faculty to help teaching cooperation; Chinese nationals primitive plain near the teachers leading, Korean Chinese teacher help teaching forms of collaboration, and discusses the cooperative teaching form of the existing limitations. The fifth chapter is the conclusion. Wish this paper can study on the Korean high school Chinese classroom cooperation plays a certain reference role, as a force for Chinese teaching in Korean better career.


中文摘要   6-7   ABSTRACT   7   第一章 引言   8-13       1.1 探讨背景   8-9       1.2 探讨综述   9-10       1.3 探讨目的及意义   10-13   第二章 协作教学的理论基础及实际运用   13-17       2.1 理论基础   13-15       2.2 协作教学模式在国内教学中的实际运用   15-17   第三章 韩国高中汉语课堂的近况   17-26       3.1 教育厅及社会学术团体对对外汉语教学的支持   17-20           3.1.1 韩国教育厅对对外汉语教学的大力支持   17-18           3.1.2 社会学术团体的鼎力相助   18-20       3.2 韩国高中汉语课堂的近况   20-26           3.2.1 教材的使用情况   20-21           3.2.2 师资力量   21-24           3.2.3 学生情况   24-26   第四章 中韩教师协作教学模式典型案例略论——以韩国首尔同德女子高中为例   26-38       4.1 汉语课堂主要的三种中韩协作教学模式   26-34           4.1.1 中韩汉语教师共同主导汉语课堂的教学模式   26-29           4.1.2 韩国籍汉语教师主导,中国籍原语民教师辅助教学的教学模式   29-32           4.1.3 中国籍原语民教师主导,韩语论文题目,韩国籍汉语教师辅助教学的模式   32-34       4.2 中韩协作教学的优势所在   34-36           4.2.1 对学生而言   34-35           4.2.2 对教师而言   35           4.2.3 对整个教学活动而言   35-36       4.3 中韩协作教学模式的局限性及建议   36-38   第五章 结语   38-39   注释及参考文献   39-40  
