
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Because the ship has the characteristics of flight to the world and the characteristics of the movement, so the relevant maritime litigation or arbitration, such as plastic Ge contains a number of international identity. Especially in China and South Korea geographically close and the world trend, makes their ship into port frequently, so or big or small maritime accident and relating to maritime transport glue Gregory has produced. Similar international glue Gregory dispute and the glue Gregory, via the process on both sides between the parties agreement or information to deal with glue Gregory is the most reasonable, however negotiations Eph into can handle the, should consider the litigation or arbitration glue Gregory approach. However, due to the characteristics of the ship's flight, the debtor's approach to the process of litigation can not be careless handling of marine rubber. About sue him, often resulting in a waste of time, on receipt of the affirmative judgement and creditors have no industry, the practical performance of the ship's decision also Eph into energy. Is to lodge a complaint before the debtor in the future should consider whether or not to perform. In order to perform the preservation of the future, one approach is to provide security to the creditor by the detention of the vessel. In order to reach the research goal, the following research methods first, ship detained ban of research in the field of scale contains plain near law, maritime law (Commercial Law), and the peace civil procedure law, international procedure law, private international law. So this thesis in research about ship detention charge ban achievements, in China in Maritime Litigation Special French law of maritime requirements rail preservation of detention cut delineation of the ship as intermediate, in South Korea to civilian to perform law distrain ships designated as intermediate and comment on liquidation of debate in the exercise of power and creditor's remedy and the introduction of the flexible plan, analysis of the legal provisions on the problems, come to know a solution. Second, although the ship detained ban category is one of the maritime obligor is the most important concern matters, however theory example is still not much is to explain by combination of justice and practical results. There are still many imperfect places, but I hope this thesis can be widely read by the relevant parts of the two countries, so that they can more deeply understand the two countries of the detention of the ship's rail system.


引言   9-10   第1章 海事请求保全的一般考察   10-18       1.1 海事诉讼特别程序法和民事执行法   10-14           1.1.1 意义   10-11           1.1.2 特征   11-14       1.2 海事请求保全的意义和特征   14-18           1.2.1 海事请求保全的意义   14-15           1.2.2 海事请求保全的特征   15-18   第2章 扣押船舶概念和特征之比较   18-26       2.1 扣押船舶的概念   18-24           2.1.1 海事诉讼法   18-19           2.1.2 民事执行法   19-21           2.1.3 英美的对物诉讼制度   21-22           2.1.4 Mareva Injunction制度   22-24       2.2 扣押船舶的特征   24-26           2.2.1 海事诉讼法   24           2.2.2 民事执行法   24-26   第3章 扣押船舶要件之比较   26-33       3.1 可申请扣船的海事请求   26-28           3.1.1 海事诉讼法   26-27           3.1.2 民事执行法   27-28       3.2 扣船的范围   28-31           3.2.1 海事诉讼法   28-29           3.2.2 民事执行法   29-31       3.3 管辖法院   31-33           3.3.1 海事诉讼法   31-32           3.3.2 民事执行法   32-33   第4章 扣押船舶程序之比较   33-46       4.1 申请书的提交   33-35           4.1.1 海事诉讼法   33-34           4.1.2 民事执行法   34-35       4.2 审查和裁定   35-38           4.2.1 海事诉讼法   35-37           4.2.2 民事执行法   37-38       4.3 裁定的执行   38-39           4.3.1 海事诉讼法   38-39           4.3.2 民事执行法   39       4.4 解除扣押   39-41           4.4.1 海事诉讼法   39-40           4.4.2 民事执行法   40-41       4.5 航行许可(活扣)   41-43           4.5.1 海事诉讼法   41-42           4.5.2 民事执行法   42-43       4.6 船舶国籍证书等的收取命令   43-46   第5章 扣押船舶效果之比较   46-54       5.1 强制拍卖船舶   46-50           5.1.1 海事诉讼法   46-49           5.1.2 民事执行法   49-50       5.2 关于错误扣船的赔偿责任   50-54           5.2.1 海事诉讼法   50-51           5.2.2 民事执行法   51-54   结论   54-56   参考文献   56-57   攻读学位期间公开发表论文   57-58   致谢   58-59   探讨生履历   59  
