课程比拟、特别是与蓬勃国度的课程比拟研究是列国课程改造的主要基本任务,教科书比拟是课程比拟的主要内容。以往我国与蓬勃国度的教科书比拟年夜多集中在欧美国度,而针对中韩两国地舆(社会)教科书的比拟研究还甚少。近半个多世纪以来,韩国适应国际课程改造的趋向同时,联合本国的现实,在本国基本教导课程改造与理论中,教科书的研发也获得使人注视的成就,构成了本身的特点。经由过程对中韩两国地舆(社会)教科书的比拟,以明白两边之长短,到达互相自创为目标。本文重要采取文献法、比拟法,以地舆课程实际、教导学实际、教科书编写实际、比拟教导等实际为指点,在概述中韩两国高中地舆课程改造的基本上,以中韩高中地舆(社会)教科书(国民教导出书社和知学社)为根据,对两国教科书的构造、内容,地舆教科书的表层体系(课文体系、功课体系、图象体系)停止了比拟,并得出以下结论与启发。1、结论1、教科书构造上,两版本教科书根本构造类似,韩国教科书在每节都之首都设有引言、栏目丰硕;教科书内容上,两国教科书内容都包含多种地舆要素,我国教科书内容涵盖的常识层面要比韩国教科书深、内容组织更灵巧,韩国教科书内容中设置运动范畴较多。2、教科书课文体系上,两国的教科书都设计了教授教养指点语;都以简洁的说话描写地舆概念;韩国教科书中教授教养指点语更活泼、详细;韩国教科书每节都设计了“课节总结”、“单位小结”;韩国教科书中帮助资料更接近现实生涯。3、经由过程教科书运动剖析,两国教科书“运动”中操作性的内容都偏少、我国教科书运动类型更丰硕,“剖析型”、“评论辩论型”运动比例高,韩国教科书“演示型”、“查询拜访型”运动比例高、重视适用性和操作性运动;经由过程教科书案例剖析,两国教科书人文地舆模块的案例比例高,天然地舆模块的案例比例低;我国教科书案例数目和频率高,韩国教科书案例少,以经由过程案例提出成绩为重要特点。4、经由过程教科书图象体系比拟得出两国教科书图象数目、密度较高、类型丰硕,景不雅图的比严重,卫星图的比重小;我国教科书的图象面积较年夜,每一个模块图象比例较平均,重视出现地舆道理和纪律,所负载的信息量多、图象组合丰硕、详细;韩国教科书重视运用地图承载的地舆信息、运用景不雅图象增长直接的感知,漫画比例较高。2、启发1、对两国而言:两国教科书的内容根本上都是依照“由远及近”、“从庞杂到简略”的次序支配的,实际上不相符先生的认知纪律;中韩两国教科书要进一步公道分派图象类型的运用比例,都要恰当增长卫星图的比例。2、对我国而言:建议我国教科书在每章(或单位)后面支配本章常识的简介,或常识小结;我国教科书有需要调剂“运动”三维目的的比例;我国教科书中恰当削减表示图、统计图的比例,恰当增长地图与景不雅图的运用比例。3、对韩国而言:韩国教科书常识容量少,研讨、运动性内容较多,应该恰当增强常识连接的体系性;韩国教科书过火依附社会课教导课程内容构造,应当灵巧增长其教科书常识容量。 Abstract: Curriculum comparison, especially with the vigorous national curriculum comparison research is the main basic tasks of the reform of the curriculum, the textbook is the main content of the curriculum comparison. In the past, the textbooks of our country and flourishing country are mostly concentrated in the European and American countries, and the comparative study of the public opinion (SOCIAL) textbooks in China and Korea is still very little. Since nearly half a century, South Korea to adapt to the trend and the curriculum reform, combined with their own reality, in their basic teachings of curriculum reform and theory, textbook development also received achievement makes people stare at, constitute the characteristics of itself. Through the process of China and South Korea and (SOCIAL) textbook comparison, to understand both sides of the length, to each other as the goal. This paper adopts literature method, comparative law, to geography curriculum practice, teaching guiding practice, the actual writing of the textbook, comparative education theory as the guidance, based on the overview of China and South Korea high school geography curriculum reform, to Chinese and Korean senior high school geography (Society) textbooks (National Education derived Publishing house, and in the knowledge society) according to the structure and content of textbooks of the two countries, geography textbook of the surface layer system (text system, homework system, image system) compared and draws the following conclusions and inspiration. 1. Conclusion: 1. The textbook structure, two versions of the textbook basic structure similar, Korean textbooks in each section of the capital, with introduction, column fruitful; textbook, textbook content between the two countries contain a variety of geographical factors, content of textbooks in China covers the knowledge level to deeper than the Korean textbooks, the content and the organization more flexible, South Korea in the content of the textbooks set more sport category. 2, text system, two textbooks design teaching guide language; to speak simple description of geographical concept; Korean textbooks, teaching guide language more lively and detailed. Korean textbooks each section is designed with "lesson summary", "small units"; Korean textbooks help information is more close to the real life. 3, through the process of textbook movement analysis, the contents of the textbooks of the two countries "movement" in operation are too few, movement of textbooks in China type is more rich, "analysis of the type", "comment debate motion in a high proportion, the Korean textbook" demonstration ", query visit" movement high proportion, pay attention to the applicability and operability of the movement; through the process of textbook case analysis, high proportion of textbooks of the two countries humanistic geography module case, low proportion of natural geography module case; the textbook case number and high frequency, Korean textbook case is less, the results presented by the process of case for important characteristics. 4, through the process of textbook picture system compared with bilateral textbook picture number, higher density, type rich. The view is ACTO derived than serious, small proportion of satellite map; textbooks in China the image area is bigger, every module image scale than the average, attention to geographical reason and discipline, load the amount of information, image combination is rich and detailed. Korean textbook attention bearing map application to geographic information, using Jing indecent image growth of direct perception, a higher proportion of comics. 2, inspiration 1, for both of our nations: fundamental to the content of textbooks of the two countries are in accordance with "by far and near", "from complex to simple sequence control, actually does not conform to the student's cognitive discipline; textbooks of China and South Korea to further rational allocation of image type application ratio, to increase the proportion of satellite map appropriately. 2, for our country: it is recommended that textbooks in China (or units) in the back of each chapter dominated profiles of common sense in this chapter, and of common sense or summary; Chinese textbook with 3D "swap" movement to the proportion of; textbooks in China properly cut represents a proportion and statistical diagram, the appropriate application of the proportion of growth map and ACTO. 3, for South Korea: South Korean textbook knowledge capacity less, study, sports content is more, should strengthen the knowledge connection system appropriately; Korean textbooks burned attached to the social classes teach course content and structure shall be smart growth in the textbook knowledge capacity. 目录: |