在国际关系中,平易近族主义这个最活泼的身分囊括了战后国际舞台,同时其作用并未因全球化海潮的残虐而有所削弱。平易近族主义在概念上涵盖了自力、自在、同一和成长的不雅念,在寻求平易近族内部自力性的同时,无疑也强调了平易近族外部的凝集性。是以它既促进自力国度的增加,又使世界各地纷争崛起。它既增强本平易近族、本国凝集力的同时,也对国与国之间的关系发生了主要制约。在国度之间的来往进程中,在政治、经济、文明来往范畴内无时不浮现出平易近族主义的影子。无须置疑,平易近族主义必定会对中韩之间的来往发生诸多作用。这篇论文试图从平易近族主义的视角动身,来剖析最近几年来中韩之间关系涌现杂音的深条理身分。起首运用平易近族主义实际对作用中韩关系的政治、经济和文明等方面的争端停止出现,其次对这些和睦谐景象停止剖析,并归结出两公民族主义的特点,终究对两公民族主义构成缘由停止了略论,从而将中韩之间的成绩加倍直白和清晰地出现出来。最初,在对中韩平易近族主义有了比拟具体的懂得以后,这篇论文试图对成长正常的中韩关系、防止平易近族主义对中韩关系的严重搅扰给出处理办法,以期对中韩的友爱来往供给无益的自创。 Abstract: In international relations, plain near nationalism of the most active factors include the post-war international stage, also affect its not because of the tide of globalization of indulge in wilful persecution and weakened. Plain near nationalism in concept covers independence, the freedom, the same and the growth of indecent read, in seeking plain near family independent of also undoubtedly also stressed the plain near family external agglutination. It is not only to promote the increase of independent countries, but also to the rise of disputes around the world. It can enhance the national cohesion of the country, at the same time, also suffered a major restriction on the relationship between nations. The exchange process between the countries in political, economic and cultural contacts within the scope of no do not emerge out of the shadow of nationalism. There is no doubt that there will be a lot of influence between China and South Korea. This thesis tries to set out from the perspective of nationalism, to analyze the deep-seated factors in recent years, the relations between China and South Korea emerged murmur. Chapeau application plain near nationalism actual dispute to affect the relations between China and Korea political, economic and cultural aspects of cease, then the harmonious scene analysis, and summed up characteristics of two public nationalism, after all, of two public nationalism constitutes a reason to stop the analysis, and the scores between China and South Korea double straightforward and clear out. Initially, in of Korean nationalism analogy specific understanding later, this thesis tries to to the normal development of China ROK relations, prevent plain near the nationalism of China ROK relations of serious trouble gives approach, to the friendship of China and South Korea travel supply useless created. 目录: 中文摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 目录 6-7 绪论 7-13 一、选题目的与意义 7-8 二、目前的探讨近况 8-11 三、探讨内容与措施 11-13 第一章 民族主义与国际关系 13-24 第一节 相关概念 13-16 第二节 民族主义对国际关系的作用 16-18 第三节 民族主义情绪作用下的中韩关系变化 18-24 第二章 中韩两国民族主义的表现及略论 24-37 第一节 中韩关系中民族主义情绪的表现 24-28 第二节 中韩民族主义的特征 28-32 第三节 中韩民族主义的形成原因 32-37 第三章 中韩关系中民族主义情绪的应对方法 37-41 第一节 正确认识,互相理解 37-38 第二节 积极沟通,加强互信 38-40 第三节 正确疏导,营造氛围 40-41 结束语 41-42 参考文献 42-46 注释 46-50 后记 50 |