
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Since twentieth Century 90 years, the international direct investment has increased the speed of the international commodity business, and has the tendency to increase. The deep impact of international direct investment to invest in the home country and the host country and even the whole world economic growth. After the reform and opening up, China has received and applied foreign direct investment through the process of economic growth. Foreign direct investment in China through the process of increasing the cost of capital and the growth of tax revenue in China to fill the lack of support for China. Through the process of increasing China's foreign exchange supply is beneficial to balance China's international import and export through the process of receiving the rest of China's unemployment and slow China's great unemployment pressure. Through the introduction of foreign advanced technology and management experience and skills. Vhao. Net, the degree of progress, Chinese business management skills and production workers rest productivity. In addition, foreign direct investment also increased Chinese foreign trade growth, the overall optimization of the agile industrial structure and export structure of commercial Chinese. Foreign direct investment in the promotion of China's economic growth, but also bring some negative impact. For example, foreign direct investment in China mainly concentrated in the second house, not a reasonable industry structure, optimize the industrial structure is not conducive to the Chinese; some foreign direct investment spending China a large amount of capital formation and regeneration not seriously polluted, not conducive to the economic growth of Chinese can continuously improved and Chinese ecological situation. In addition, foreign direct investment in China caused the trade balance transfer effect, lead to foreign trade friction Chinese continuously increase; domestic large Multi-National Corporation acquired the main industry and market economy of China, Chinese Ping also formed a certain threat. South Korea's direct investment in China is the main component of China's receiving and application of foreign direct investment. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, South Korea's direct investment in China has increased rapidly. From 1992 to 2006, the real application of foreign investment by 1. $1 billion 900 million to 38. 9 billion 400 million dollars, the proportion from 1. 09 increased to 6. 187. According to the Ministry of Commerce of the people's Republic of China Ministry of Commerce statistics from 11992 to 2006, the number of direct investment projects in South Korea from 650 to 4262, the contract amount of foreign investment by 4. $1 billion 700 million to 123. 1 billion 600 million dollars, the proportion of 0. 72 rose to 6. 36. China has become the largest investment destination in South korea. To continuously increase the foreign investment at the same time, South Korea also attract foreign direct investment policy adjust ceaselessly. The northwest Asian financial crisis in 1997 made the South Korean government recognize the main attraction of foreign investment, the South Korean authorities began to adjust the policy, expanding to attract their direct investment. With the rapid increase in investment in South Korea, the rapid increase of China's direct investment in South Korea is also growing, from the early 0. 05 billions of dollars gradually rose to 17 in 2006. 9 billion 500 million dollars. In this paper, we use the latest data from the international direct investment, the latest data from the international and international, the combination of practical and realistic, the standard analysis and empirical analysis, and the combination of static analysis and static analysis. This paper expounds the impact of China and South Korea on the economy. In this paper, we put forward that the effect of the South Korea's direct investment in China is better than that of foreign direct investment in China. This is because South Korea's direct investment in China is an important focus on the production, and South Korean Multi-National Corporation in the use of skills in the world's advanced position, is a direct investment in South Korea's growth, not only to China's advanced technology and technology, improve the level of Chinese products, enhance the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises, and thus strengthen the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises and its position in the international market. At the same time, the empirical results of this paper also shows that Chinese direct investment to South Korea to South Korea is a skill spillover, but through the process of direct investment of Korea ancestors from South Korea to learn the skills; direct investment in South Korea the country increasing, thought investors gradually produced a change to get bigger South Korea international market and to make investment in commercial benefits and gradually make the purchase, learning techniques and bring up talent network job. Vhao. Net type of investment. While domestic investors in access to the advanced technology skills will response to investment, so that the original enterprise competitive power in the international market gradually decline, and increase of the Korean economy produces adverse effect. In view of how to improve and expand mutual direct investment between China and South Korea, this paper puts forward some basic countermeasures to China and South Korea. According to South Korean direct investment China received suggestions (1) improved their investment; (2) to select the appropriate type of investment; (3) to encourage investment in the form of diversified development. For China to receive and application of South Korea's direct investment performance, this paper

