人类进入新的时期,人们对传统黉舍教导反思的成果是愈来愈深入地熟悉到,古代黉舍教导应容身于人的安康性命的塑造和人格的造就,而品德教导是组成、主宰、凝集和支持全部性命生长进而取得幸福人生的决议性身分。是以优越的黉舍品德教导系统与措施,对增进先生的周全成长,包管人才造就的质量和准确偏向起着决议的感化。中韩两国同属东亚文明圈的国度,固然两国社会轨制分歧,价值不雅念也有差别,教导方面也存在各自分歧的特色,但在深受儒祖传统文明的作用下都有看重品德礼节教导的传统。因有着许多类似的地方,在品德教导方面可比性很强。中韩黉舍品德教导在成长和演进中有很多胜利的经历,也存在着很多成绩,这些经历和成绩都值得两国粹校品德教导任务者相互停止剖析与思虑、接收与自创。为两国现代黉舍品德教导的理论供给经历。本研究在后人研究结果的基本上,重要内容是中韩两国小学品德教导课程比拟与剖析,包含其品德教导课程目的、内容、实行、评价的比拟与剖析。并联合中韩学者的相干研究和自己研究的成果来阐述中韩品德教导的好坏的地方、现存成绩及将来成长。本研究论文年夜体上分为以下七年夜部门:第一部门是绪论,重要论述从研究的配景、‘研究的综述、研究的意义、办法及相干的实际基本。第二部门重要论述中韩两国的社会文明配景与中韩小学品德教导课程的演化及特色,然后对中韩两国小学品德教导课程做出归纳综合。第三部门到第六部门是文章的重点部门,重要对中韩两国小学品德教导课程做出针对性的比拟和考核,年夜体上从以下四个方面来考量,即中韩两国小学品德课程的目的、内容、实行、评价系统,并对各相干方面的差异点作出归结、略论和梳理。重要经由过程对中韩两国小学品德教导课程全方位多条理的比拟,提出为进一步完美和成长两国小学品德教导有价值、可供参考的建议。第七部门是停止语。对中韩两国的品德教导现状及本研究做出归纳综合总结。 Abstract: Mankind has entered a new period, people on the traditional school happen to teach the result of reflection is increasingly deeply understand, the ancient school happen education should shelter in shaping the well-being of life and personality to create, and moral education is composition, to dominate, agglutination and support all life growth so as to obtain the happiness of life is the resolution of the identity. Is the superior school moral education system and method, to promote the comprehensive development of Mr., ensure the quality and accuracy of talent to play a role in the resolution. Both China and South Korea belong to the circle of East Asian civilization country, although societies rail system differences, concept of value to also have the difference, teaching also has different characteristics, but in under the influence by the Ruzu traditional civilization all have to teach moral manners of traditional value. Because there are many similar places, in terms of moral education can be very strong. South Korea school happen the moral teaching has a lot of successful experience in the development and evolution, there are a lot of achievements. These experiences and achievements are worthy of two school moral educators are mutually stop analysis and thinking, receive and create their own. Experience in the theory of moral education in modern schools of the two countries. This study in the future generations of the results of the study, the main content is China and South Korea elementary school moral education curriculum comparison and analysis, including its moral education curriculum objectives, content, implementation, evaluation of the comparison and analysis. And the United States and South Korea scholars of the relevant research and their own research results to explain the quality of China and South Korea to teach the good and bad places, the existing achievements and future growth. This research paper is divided into the following seven major departments: the first section is the introduction, it is important to discuss the background of the study, the summary of the research, the significance of the study, methods and related to the actual. The second part discusses the social civilization of China and South Korea and China and South Korea social civilization with the evolution and characteristics of primary school moral education curriculum, and then the two countries to make a comprehensive curriculum of moral education in primary schools. The third sector to the Sixth Department is the key department and important to China and South Korea primary moral teaching course to make for the comparison and evaluation, on the eve of the body from the following four aspects to consider, that China and South Korea primary school moral curriculum purpose, content, implementation, evaluation system and on the relevant aspects of the similarities and differences made summed up, analyzed and sorted. Important through the process of China and South Korea elementary school moral education curriculum full range of multiple levels of comparison, proposed for the further perfection and growth of the two elementary school moral education value, available for reference. The seventh sector is the stop language. The status of moral education in China and Korea and the present study to make a comprehensive summary of the summary. 目录: |