汉语教科书在各类汉语教导资本中起侧重要的感化。韩国自古以来就是汉语教导的年夜国,中韩建交十余年来,韩语论文范文,进修者的数目一直位居世界第一名。但在韩国,作为重要汉语教导资本的汉语教科书选用现状却不容悲观。教科书选用成绩曾经逐步成为制约韩国汉语教导成长的重要成绩之一。对于这一成绩的研究,有着深入的意义和价值。但今朝在我国粹界,韩语论文范文,韩国汉语教科书选用成绩的研究性文章几近空白。本文试图在后人无限研究的基本上,采取问卷查询拜访、比较剖析、统计等的办法停止初步的摸索,抛砖引玉,以希冀惹起两国相干部分及学者对此成绩的看重,进步汉语教导质量,从而为推动我国汉语教导事业的世界化方法,增进两国汉语教科书的扶植供给一些可以自创的实际根据。 Abstract: Chinese textbooks play an important role in the capital of all kinds of Chinese language teaching. Since ancient times, South Korea is the country of Chinese language teaching, the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea over ten years, the number of learners has been ranked first in the world. But in South Korea, as an important Chinese language teaching capital of the selection of Chinese textbooks are not pessimistic. The selection of textbooks has gradually become one of the important achievements in the development of Chinese teaching in South Korea. The research on this result has the profound significance and value. But at present in our world the quintessence of Korean language textbooks, achievement selection research of the blank. This paper attempts to descendants unlimited research, questionnaire investigation, comparative analysis, statistics, and other ways to stop fumbling initial, initiate, in the hope of cause both coherent and scholars achievement value, progress in Chinese teaching quality, so as to promote Chinese teaching career world measures, increase in the textbooks of the two countries construction offers some can own the theory on which it is based. 目录: 内容提要 4-6 第一章 绪论 6-13 第一节 中韩建交后韩国汉语教科书选用问题的探讨意义和近况 6-10 第二节 中韩建交后韩国汉语教科书选用问题的探讨思路及措施 10-13 第二章 韩国汉语教科书选用史概述 13-28 第一节 近二千年“尊儒重史”教育情结作用下的选用简史 14-23 第二节 20世纪以来政治关系升沉起浮作用下的百年选用简史 23-28 第三章 中韩建交后韩国汉语教科书选用中的若干问题 28-48 第一节 “规矩”框架下的选用机制问题 28-36 第二节 习惯意识引导下的选用心理及经济因素 36-41 第三节 教科书自身建设状况 41-48 第四章 中韩建交后韩国汉语教科书选用问题讨论 48-68 第一节 严格评审制度,博采众长,畅通选用渠道 49-55 第二节 在协调经济利益的基础上综合利用两国教材资源 55-57 第三节 走以本体探讨为根本,对比探讨为依据的合作开发之路 57-68 结语 68-69 参考文献 69-72 中文摘要 72-75 英文摘要 75-77 后记 78-79 导师及作者简介 79 |