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资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Leading style will have an extremely profound impact on the organizational commitment of employees, and civilization is the main factor influencing the style of leadership and organizational commitment. The research to the ROK differences of cultural background as a starting point, avail himself of the descendants of the guide style, and organizational commitment scale, separation of both China and Korea employees data analysis, research business guiding style, the change of guiding the relationship between style and employee organizational commitment, to discuss under the different cultural background which a guide style of enterprises, more adaptable, more useful. The research and application of later generations questionnaire survey and data collection. First of all, the separation of the two countries, China and South Korea sample data statistics and analysis. Under the Chinese civilization with king, through the analysis of the process will guide the style to be decomposed vertical line, intelligence, vision to encourage, business management, business, thinking business six dimensions, the organization promises to be decomposed emotional commitment, continuous commitment and standard promises three dimensions; coherent analysis of the style and its various dimensions are significantly positive correlation with the organizational commitment and its various dimensions. In Korean culture background. Through factor analysis will guide style virtuous, arousing the intelligence, four dimensions of contingency awards, mind business; organizational commitment proposed decomposition of emotional commitment, continuous commitment and standard promised three dimensions; coherence analysis showed that guide style and its sub dimensions and emotional commitment, standard commitment and organizational commitment overall has a obvious correlation; regression analysis method, virtuous and intellectual provoked significant positive forecast effect on organizational commitment. Secondly, the two countries with the cultural background of the guide style and organizational commitment to stop the comparative analysis. Through the process of invention, in guiding style and organizational commitment, in addition to the continuous promise, Korea is slightly higher than China, in the overall guiding style and its sub dimensions, the overall organizational commitment, emotional commitment and standard promise, the capital should be higher than South Korea through the process of guiding style and organizational commitment to the relationship between the clear positive correlation, and China's leading style and organizational commitment are higher than Korea. Initially, for the two different cultural characteristics, proposed to guide the style of governance and staff organization promises to promote the proposal, the desire to find a more appropriate guidance style of civilization in China and South Korea, the Chinese and Korean enterprises in the management of Ren Wuzhong's choice of style of choice to provide practical support and theoretical guidance.

