跟着全球对幼儿教导的慢慢看重,列国都将幼儿教导摆在国度成长的计谋地位。幼儿园教员是幼儿教导的重要承当者,教员指点手册则是宽大幼儿教员们的重要教授教养资本,也是保证幼儿教导教授教养有用性、标准性的需要对象。是以,对幼儿园教员指点手册停止研究剖析具有主要意义。本研究拔取浙江省普遍运用的浙江教导出书社幼儿园体验·研讨·来往课程教员指点手册(年夜班)和韩国幼儿园同一运用的韩国教导迷信技巧部出书的幼儿园全球课程教员指点手册(年夜班)两套教员指点手册从指点思惟、全体框架、目的、内容和实行战略五个方面停止了比拟剖析和研究。研究成果注解,两套幼儿园教员指点手册存在着诸多配合点:第一,韩语论文题目,两套教员指点手册都环绕着幼儿为主体的指点思惟睁开教导教授教养运动;第二,两套教员指点手册都以运动主题为焦点构建;第三,两套教员指点手册教导目的都是在纲要性文件指点下,根据幼儿和幼儿教导的特色并依照必定的条理构造而制订的;第四,两套教员指点用书的教导教授教养运动内容都由五个范畴组成,都着重社会范畴,而且环绕五年夜范畴的运动主题普遍,起源于社会生涯的主题运动占多数;第五,两套教员指点手册都强调以游戏和运动为中间的实行战略。同时,两者在指点思惟切实其实定、全体框架的设计、教导目的的设定、教授教养内容的选择和教授教养战略的实行方面也存在诸多分歧的地方。由此,本文提出了几点建议:第一,要明白解释幼儿园教员指点手册的编写指点思惟和编写准绳。第二,幼儿园教员指点手册的全体框架设计要相符逻辑性和体系性。第三,幼儿园教员指点手册的运动目的要明白、详细,韩语毕业论文,并表现国际性。第四,增长幼儿园教员指点手册中对幼儿情绪和社会性的教导内容。第五,补充运动计划及运动评价系统。 Abstract: With the global children's education is gradually valued, the countries will teach children in the country's strategic position of growth. Kindergarten teacher is an important bear to preschool education, teachers instruction manual is important teaching capital wide preschool teachers, but also to ensure that preschool education teaching usefulness, standard of the object is required. Is to, the kindergarten teacher guidance manual to stop research and analysis of the main significance. This study select Zhejiang Province, widespread application of Zhejiang taught a publishing house the kindergarten experience, research associate instructor instruction manual (in the night), and South Korea kindergarten with application of South Korea teach science skills book "kindergarten global curriculum guide for teachers Handbook (in the night)" two sets of teacher instruction manual from the guiding ideology, the whole framework, objective, content and implementation of strategies to carry on the comparison analysis and research. Research notes, two sets of kindergarten teacher instruction manual has many in common: first, two sets of manual guide for teachers all around children as the main guiding ideology of open teaching teaching activities; second, two sets of manual guide for teachers to campaign theme is the focus of construction; third, two sets of teaching purpose is Manual Guide for teachers in the outline document for guidance, according to the teachings of the children and their characteristics and in accordance with the structure must be made; fourth, to teach the teaching content of two sets of sports teachers guidance books are composed of five categories, are mainly social category, and sports theme around the five major areas of common origin in social life the theme of the movement of majority; fifth, two sets of guide for teachers manuals are emphasis on games and sports for the strategic implementation of the middle. At the same time, both in the guiding ideology and practice, the design of the whole framework, the teaching purpose of setting, teaching content selection and the implementation of teaching strategies, there are many differences. Thus, this paper puts forward some suggestions: first, to understand the guidance of kindergarten teachers to explain the guidance of the preparation of ideas and writing principles. Second, the kindergarten teacher guidance manual of the whole framework design should be consistent with the logic and system. Third, the kindergarten teacher guidance manual to understand, detailed, and the performance of international. Fourth, the growth of kindergarten teacher guidance manual on children's emotional and social teaching content. Fifth, supplementary motion planning and motion evaluation system. 目录: 摘要 4-6 ABSTRACT 6-7 一、绪论 10-16 1.探讨背景 10-11 2.探讨意义与目的 11-12 2.1 探讨意义 11-12 2.2 探讨目的 12 3.探讨对象和内容 12-14 3.1 探讨对象 12-14 3.1.1 中国:幼儿园体验·探索·交往课程教师指导手册(大班) 12-13 3.1.2 韩国:幼儿园环球课程教师指导手册(大班) 13-14 3.2 探讨内容 14 4.探讨措施 14-16 4.1 比较略论法 14-15 4.2 文献探讨法 15-16 二、幼儿园教师指导手册探讨的理论基础 16-22 1.相关概念界定 16-17 1.1 教材 16 1.2 教师指导手册 16-17 2.幼儿园教师指导手册的探讨近况 17-22 2.1 教师指导手册编制的相关探讨 17-18 2.2 教师指导手册功能和影响的相关探讨 18-19 2.3 教师指导手册挑选与评价的相关探讨 19 2.4 教师指导手册比较的相关探讨 19-22 三、中韩幼儿园大班教师指导手册比较 22-48 1.中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册指导思想的比较 22-25 1.1 中国幼儿园教师指导手册的指导思想 22-23 1.2 韩国幼儿园教师指导手册的指导思想 23-24 1.3 中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册指导思想的比较略论 24-25 2.中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册框架的比较 25-27 2.1 中国幼儿园教师指导手册的框架 25 2.2 韩国幼儿园教师指导手册的框架 25-26 2.3 中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册框架的比较略论 26-27 3.中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册教育目标的比较 27-38 3.1 中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册教育总目标的比较 27-31 3.1.1 中国幼儿园教师指导手册的教育总目标 27-28 3.1.2 韩国幼儿园教师指导手册的教育总目标 28-29 3.1.3 中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册教育目标的比较略论 29-31 3.2 中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册中各领域目标的比较 31-35 3.2.1 中国幼儿园教师指导手册各领域目标 31-32 3.2.2 韩国幼儿园教师指导手册各领域目标 32-34 3.2.3 中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册中各领域目标的比较略论 34-35 3.3 中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册中教学活动目标的比较 35-38 3.3.1 中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册中教学活动目标结构的比较 35-37 3.3.2 中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册中活动目标表述取向的比较 37-38 4.中韩两套教师指导手册的内容比较 38-46 4.1 中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册中五大领域的比较 38-40 4.2 中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册中各领域具体内容的比较 40-44 4.3 中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册主题活动来源的比较 44-46 5.中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册实施策略的比较 46-48 5.1 中国幼儿园教师指导手册的实施策略 46 5.2 韩国幼儿园教师指导手册的实施策略 46-47 5.3 中韩两套教师指导手册实施策略的比较略论 47-48 四、结论与建议 48-56 1.结论 48-52 1.1 中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册的共同点 48-49 1.2 中韩两套幼儿园教师指导手册的不同点 49-51 1.3 原因略论 51-52 2.建议 52-56 参考文献 56-58 附录A 58-59 附录B 59-60 致谢 60-62 攻读硕士期间发表的学术论文 62 |