跟着经济的敏捷增加,中国正奔腾成为世界最年夜的服装花费国。本论文的目标在于中对韩两国年夜先生的服装购置行动和生齿统计差别停止比拟,进而明白论述中国花费者的特有特点。本论文从实际研究上对服装购置导向的概念停止斟酌,并制订了花费者分类的尺度。为了停止实证性研究,本论文设计了问卷,并对首尔与上海的300名年夜先生停止了问卷查询拜访。在问卷查询拜访的基本上,本文起首查询拜访了韩中两国花费者的服装购置导向,并抵消费者停止了分类;其次,对已分类的集团之间的服装购置行动与生齿统计学的特征停止了剖析比拟:再次,对韩中两国花费者的散布状态停止了查询拜访,对统一花费者集团内的服装购置行动与生齿统计学的差别停止了说明;最初,对中国花费者购置韩国服装产物的现况停止了研究,并解释了中国花费者对韩国服装产物的评价与信息取得措施。在实证研究的基本上,本文提出了韩国服装公司针对中国花费者的服装营销战 Abstract: With the rapid economic growth, China is becoming the world's largest apparel spending country. The goal of this paper is that of South Korea, Mr. big clothing purchase action and population statistics difference compared, and understand about Chinese consumers unique characteristics. In this paper, the concept of clothing purchase oriented concept is studied, and the scale of the consumer's classification is formulated. In order to stop the empirical research, this paper designed a questionnaire, and Seoul and Shanghai, 300 of the eve of the inquiry to stop the questionnaire. In questionnaire survey of basically, this paper queries visited South Korea and China spend the clothing purchase oriented, and against consumers to stop the classification; secondly, to have group classifications between clothing purchase action and population statistics characteristic to carry on the analysis comparison: again, Korea and China on the cost of distribution to carry on the investigation, the unified spend group clothing purchase action and population statistics difference are described; initially, to Chinese consumers purchase the status of Korean clothing product research and explain the Chinese consumers of Korean clothing product evaluation and information acquisition method. On the base of empirical study, this paper puts forward the marketing strategy of Korean clothing enterprises for Chinese consumers. 目录: Table of Contents 3-5 List of Tables and Figures 5-7 摘要 7-8 Abstract 8 Ⅰ. Introduction 10-16 1.1 The necessity and meaning of a research 10-12 1.2 Purpose of the research 12 1.3 Methodologies 12-14 1.3.1 Why shanghai and Seoul? 13 1.3.2 Why University students? 13-14 1.4 Framework of the study 14-16 Ⅱ. Theoretical background 16-23 2.1 Clothing shopping orientation 16-18 2.2 Clothing purchasing behavior 18-23 Ⅲ. Method and procedure of empirical study 23-31 3.1 Research problem 23-24 3.2 Research method and procedures 24-31 3.2.1 Research method 24-29 3.2.2 Data collection and Analysis method 29-31 Ⅳ. Result and discussion of analysis 31-63 4.1 Classification of consumer according to clothing shopping orientation 31-36 4.1.1 Shopping orientation 31-35 4.1.2 Classification of consumer groups according to clothing shopping orientation 35-36 4.2 Difference between different types of clothing shopping orientation 36-47 4.2.1 Difference in clothing purchase behavior between groups 37-44 4.2.2 Difference of demography properties between grorps 44-47 4.3 Comparing purchase behavior and consumer type between Korean and Chineseconsumers 47-57 4.3.1 Comparison of consumer type distribution between Korean and Chinese consumers 47-50 4.3.2 Difference in clothing purchase behavior according to country within identical consumer type 50-56 4.3.3 Demographic difference according to clothing shopping orientations between Korea and China 56-57 4.4 Chinese consumer\'s actual purchase condition of Korean clothing product 57-63 4.4.1 Actual purchase condition of Korean clothing product 58-59 4.4.2 Evaluation and source of information for Korean clothing product 59-63 V. Conclusion and proposal 63-71 5.1 Conclusion 63-68 5.2 Marketing implication and proposal 68-71 5.2.1 Marketing implication 68-69 5.2.2 Limitations of research and proposal 69-71 Appendix 71-79 Reference 79-83 Acknowledgement 83-84 |