九十年月起,韩国影视剧在全球语境下敏捷突起,当局的年夜力搀扶,分级轨制的树立,为韩国片子的成长开辟了辽阔的空间。韩国片子进入中兴期后,自创好莱坞类型片成长形式,开端摸索外乡化成长途径。现今韩国影视剧展示出奇特的文明内在与艺术魅力,并顺遂融入了中国甚至亚洲市场具有了年夜批忠诚不雅众,更凭仗在各年夜片子节的精彩表示而蜚声国际。中国国产片子的类型化方法固然稍晚于韩国片子,但今朝也曾经步入高速成长期,类型化的繁华是中国片子家当日趋成熟的重要标记之一。但中国片子类型化的测验考试也包含着窘境,韩国片子在实施分级轨制之前也有过相似阅历,是以,笔者成心于将当下中国及韩国类型化片子停止比拟。本文旨在从类型研究的角度动身,对新时代以来的中国战斗片和韩国片子中兴以来的战斗类型片,停止体系的剖析比拟。“绪言”部门,论述该课题的研究配景和意义,经由过程研究已有专著和学术论文,总结了国际外相干课题的研究现状,以此懂得中韩战斗类型片研究的重要成绩和重要偏向;第一章以战斗片中的人道为主题,商量片子是若何表现战斗状况下的广泛人道的,并经由过程片子特征展现战斗对人类心灵和人道歪曲与同化;第二章从人物设置、情节编织技能方面临中韩战斗类型片的叙事战略停止比拟剖析;第三章商量了中韩战斗类型片傍边认识形状的表达:韩国战斗片的表达措施重要表现在“南北关系”的变迁上;中国战斗片则表示在片子创作汗青中反思认识的萌生,经由过程剖析战斗片中人物抽象的塑造和人物关系的描述来左证豪杰主义表示手段的演化;文末在总结前文内容的基本上,提出了今朝中韩战斗片类型化成长中的几点启发。 Abstract: Ninety years, the Korean TV drama in the global context of agile processes, helped the authorities vigorously, establish grading system, opened up a vast space for the growth of the Korean film. South Korean film into ZTE period, created the Hollywood genre growth form, to start exploring local growth path. The Korean TV drama show the inner civilization and unique artistic charm, and well into the Asian market has China even a large number of loyal audience, with more in the eve of the film festival is a wonderful and renowned international express. The type of measures Chinese domestic film is later than the Korean film, but now has enter a period of rapid growth, the type of downtown is home China film day trend is one of the important markers of mature. But the film type Chinese test also contains a dilemma, South Korea before the implementation of the film classification system also had the similar experience, the author is to mean to China and South Korea will present the type of film are compared. This paper aims to start from the perspective of the type of research, since the new era of Chinese war film and South Korean film ZTE's battle type, the analysis of the system to compare. "Introduction" sector, discusses landscape and the significance of research with the subject, through the research of existing monographs and academic papers, summarizes the status of domestic and foreign research topic to understand coherent, and fighting genre research important achievements and important direction; in the first chapter of battle in humanity as the theme, to discuss the film is how to reflect combat conditions widely humane, and show the battle of the human soul and humanity through the process of assimilation and distort the film features; the second chapter from the characters, plot weaving skills and combat Pro genre narrative strategies were compared and analyzed; the third chapter discuss the Korean battle type sideways recognizes the shape of expression method of South Korean combat the important performance in the transition of the relations between the South and the north "; China battle piece said initiation reflective film creation in history, through the process of Analysis of shape and relationship of the characters in the description of evidence to combat heroism said the means of evolution; at the end of the paper, on the basis of the above analysis content basically, puts forward some current and combat films oftyped in the growth of inspiration. 目录: 摘要 6-7 Abstract 7 绪言 10-21 (一) 探讨近况综述 10-15 1. 中韩影视剧探讨近况 10-13 2. 中韩战争片探讨近况 13-15 (二) 探讨背景及意义 15-16 (三) 关键概念 16-21 1. 类型片 16-17 2. 类型和类型化 17 3. 战争片 17-18 4. 战争片主要类型 18-21 第一章 探析战争中的人性 21-25 第一节 普遍人性的回归 21-22 第二节 拷问战争对人性的扭曲和异化 22-25 第二章 战争类型片的叙事策略略论 25-33 第一节 人物设置 25-27 1. 政治领袖 25-26 2. 高级指挥将领 26 3. 普通士兵与平民 26-27 第二节 故事情节编织技巧 27-33 1. 以小见大 27-28 2. 以喜衬悲 28-31 3. 以虚写实 31-33 第三章 中韩战争类型片中的意识形态 33-43 第一节 韩国——硝烟弥散中的“南北关系”变迁 33-38 1. 冷战遗毒 33-34 2. 民族伤痕 34-36 3. 和解之愿 36-38 第二节 中国——走下神坛的“英雄” 38-43 1. 反思意识的萌发 38-40 2. 战争“英雄”群像 40-43 第四章 中韩战争类型片发展启示 43-48 第一节 类型化和多元化并存 43-45 第二节 类型片传播的精神内核 45-46 第三节 文化转型下的本土化 46-48 结语 48-49 参考文献 49-51 致谢 51 |