20世纪90年月以来,世界信息技巧获得疾速成长,粉笔加黑板的教室教授教养形式遭到了电视、收集的冲击,传统的黉舍教导、教室教授教养面对严格挑衅。面临信息社会的挑衅,列国当局高度看重信息技巧教导及其教导应用,并把它放到有助于进步国际竞争才能的计谋位置。欧美国度起首捉住机会,使本国的中小先生率先走上信息高速公路,美国2000年根本完成了教导信息基本举措方法扶植,95%的中小学和72%的教室连上了互联网,均匀每5个先生就有一台盘算机;1998年,英国以立法的情势,韩语毕业论文,把中小学信息课列为?课;欧友邦家、新加坡、日本等在2003年前后,也完成了教导信息基本举措方法扶植。韩国、芬兰、泰国等也都有响应的政策出台,以追逐教导信息化、教导手腕古代化的脚步。为了深化教导改造,转变传统的教导办法,年夜力推动本质教导,我国决议,从2001年开端,用5—10年的时光,在全国中小学普及信息技巧教导,韩语毕业论文,周全实行“校校通”工程,以信息化带动教导的古代化,完成我国基本教导逾越式的成长。本论文重要经由过程比较的办法,比拟中韩两国中小学信息技巧教导的政策与计谋、信息技巧基本举措方法扶植情形、信息技巧在学科教授教养中的应用、信息技巧在教导教授教养治理中的应用、信息技巧课程、教员信息技巧培训等方面的内容,目标就是找出中韩两国中小学信息技巧教导存在的差别,并剖析差别发生的缘由,为往后我国中小学展开信息技巧教导提出有价值的建议。 Abstract: Since the beginning of the 1990s, the world information technology obtained the rapid growth, chalk and blackboard classroom teaching form by the TV, collected by the shock, the traditional school give up teaching, classroom teaching in the face of severe challenges. Facing the information society of provocation, governments attaches great importance to the education of information technology and teaching application, and put it to contribute to the progress of the international competition ability of the strategic position. Europe and the United States first seize the opportunity, make their primary and secondary students took the lead on the information superhighway, the United States 2000 years basically completed the teaching information infrastructure construction, 95% of primary and secondary schools and 72%, connected to the Internet, every five Mr. uniform is a computer; in 1998, British with the legislative situation, the information science class in primary and secondary schools? Class; Ou Youbang family, Singapore, Japan, in 2003, also completed the teaching information infrastructure construction. South Korea, Finland and Thailand also have a response to the introduction of the policy, to pursue teaching information, teach the footsteps of ancient wrist. In order to deepen the education reform, change the traditional teaching approach, on the eve of the force promoting nature teaches, China decided to, from the beginning of 2001, 5 - 10 years time, in primary and secondary schools nationwide popularization of the education of information technology in, comprehensive implementation of "school to school" project, using information technology to promote teaching of modern, China's basic teachings of overstep type growth. The important in teach teaching management uses, the information skills courses, teacher information technology training, through the comparison of the process approach, compared with China and South Korea in primary and secondary schools information technology teach policy and strategy, information technology infrastructure construction and information technique application in discipline teaching, information technology, the goal is to find a Sino South Korean primary and secondary school information technology teaching the existence of difference, and analyzes the reason of difference and back our country small and medium-sized learned to spread the education of information technology put forward valuable suggestions for. 目录: 中文摘要 4-5 英文摘要 5 引言 7-8 一、信息技术教育与比较探讨 8-11 (一) 与信息技术教育相关的定义 8-9 (二) 从比较教育的视野看信息技术教育 9 (三) 比较中小学信息技术教育的意义 9-11 二、韩国中小学信息技术教育 11-20 (一) 战略与政策 11-12 (二) 信息技术基础设施建设情况 12-13 (三) 信息技术课程 13-16 (四) 信息技术在学科教学中的运用 16 (五) 信息技术在学校教育管理中的运用 16-17 (六) 教师信息技术培训 17-20 三、中国中小学信息技术教育 20-29 (一) 战略与政策 20-21 (二) 信息技术基础设施建设情况 21-22 (三) 信息技术课程 22-24 (四) 信息技术在学科教学中的运用 24-25 (五) 信息技术在学校教育管理中的运用 25-26 (六) 教师信息技术培训 26-29 四、比较略论 29-37 (一) 比较中韩两国中小学信息技术教育 29-33 (二) 略论异同产生的原因 33-35 (三) 韩国中小学信息技术教育对我国的启示 35-37 五、结语 37-38 参考文献 38-40 后记 40 |