한국어와 중국어의 시간관계 접속문에 대한 대조 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This does a contrastive research on Korean and Chinese Time Connection conjunction sentences. To do a contrastive research on Korean and Chinese Time Connection conjunction sentences, this does a research on conjunctions expressing seque...

This does a contrastive research on Korean and Chinese Time Connection conjunction sentences. To do a contrastive research on Korean and Chinese Time Connection conjunction sentences, this does a research on conjunctions expressing sequence relations like '-고서', '-아서', '-자', '-자마자', '-다가'; simultaneous relations like '-으면서', '-느라고' expressing inverted time order, '-으러', '-으려고'; and the conjunctions expressing both simultaneous relations and natural sequence relations '-고', This analyzes the connection conjunction sentences connected by these time conjunctions, the features of syntax, the former half predicates features of conjunctions and equivalent Chinese forms. Chinese Time Connection conjunction sentences are mainly expressed through conjunctions such as '先…然後', '再', '之後', '原來…後來', '先…接著', '一邊…一邊', '一面…一面', '一…就', '馬上', '既…也/又', '又……又', '著', '同時' and so on. Conjunctions of natural sequence relations mainly include conjunctions like '-고서', '-아서', '-자', '-자마자', '-다가', which suggest that there is some time interval between the former half sentence and the latter half sentence of connection conjunction sentences, so the action in the former half sentence happens earlier than that in the latter half sentence. The subjects of the sentences connected by '-아서' and '-다가' are the same. While the subjects of the sentences connected by '-고서', '-자', '-자마자' can be the same or different. Most former half sentences predicative part expressing time relations can only use verbs, but '-다가' doesn't need to follow such rules and can be used with multi-word classes. The conjunction of Korean sequence relations '-고서' is mainly a equivalent of Chinese '先…然後', '再' and '之後'; the conjunction sentences connected by ‘-아서’are mainly the equivalent of Chinese unmarked conjunction sentences. '-자' and '-자마자' are mainly translated into Chinese '一…就', '-다가' can be translated into Chinese '接著', '又', '就', '著' in different situations. In the conjunction sentences expressing simultaneous relations , the actions in the former half sentence and the latter half sentence almost happen at the same time. The Korean conjunctions expressing simultaneous relations in this mainly include '-으면서' and '-느라고'. '-으면서' mainly expresses two actions of a conjunction sentence happen at the same time. While '-느라고' can express two actions happen at the same time or within very close time. '-으면서' doesn't express two actions exactly happen at the same time, but both actions have supported time relation. '-으면서' is mainly a equivalent of Chinese conjunctions such as '一邊…一邊', '既…也/又', '又…又' and so on. '-느라고' isn't a equivalent of any special Chinese conjunctions. The conjunctions studied in this include '-으러' and '-으려고', which are used to express the action in the latter half sentence happens earlier than that in the former sentence. When '-으러' and '-으려고' express inverted order relation, '-으러' can be used in imperative sentences, and it is restricted in sentence patterns. While '-으려고' can not be used in imperative sentences. Neither '-으러' nor '-으려고' is a equivalent of any special Chinese conjunctions. According to the conjunction '-고', there are two time relations :sequence relation and simultaneous relation. Both '-고' and '-고서' expressing sequence relation are similar in meanings and characters. '-고' is restricted in tense and predicate word classes. In general, '-고' which expresses simultaneous relation compares to Chinese '著' and '同時'. While '-고' which expresses sequence relation a equivalent of Chinese '之後','先…然後' and '再'. Key words: Time Connection conjunction sentences, natural sequence relations, simultaneous relations, express inverted order relation.

참고문헌 (Reference)
