농촌 거주 국제결혼이주여성의 마을살이에 관한 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The population in farming and fishing villages in our nation has been decreasing steadily from 1970s due to the rural to urban migration that was triggered by industrialization through growth focused economic policy that started from the early 1960s. ...

The population in farming and fishing villages in our nation has been decreasing steadily from 1970s due to the rural to urban migration that was triggered by industrialization through growth focused economic policy that started from the early 1960s. For the leak of population, farming and fishing villages are now desperate to maintain their denizens. International Marriage is one of the several means to retain their population. International Marriage is increasing year by year since its sharp surge in 1990s. In particular, this marriage customs is concentrated in farming villages rather than urban areas, 40 % of total marriages are international marriage in farming villages.
In line with the current trend of increasing international marriage woman immigrants in farming areas, the government officials have launched indiscriminating education programs to coerce those women to take the role of traditional house wives such as child care and nurture, and help them adapt to unfamiliar cultural conditions. Those so-called multi-cultural policies set its goal on how to assimilate those women immigrants into our society. Yet, it is obvious that these efforts are not a proper way to a multi-cultural society, rather it is an extension of the formal assimilationism
In contrast to the formal researches that only highlighted the adjustment of international marriage woman immigrants' adjustment and measures to support them, this study analyzes the lives of their adaptation process to their villages and ultimately tries to come up with a few suggestion on their way ahead. In particular, transferring our view point from the traditional one that considers the adaptation process as a private issue of international marriage women immigrants, this treats the issue as a communal problem involving relational constraints. This change in view point further leads our discussion to the attitude of villagers toward the immigrants as well as the local community and the multi-culture policy's concern on the enhancement of our subjects' happiness and the quality of lives. In order to accomplish the research purposes, the researcher has raised two questions. First, What kind of relationship do those international marriage women immigrants make with the villagers? Second, How is their settlement to the farming villages like? The answers for these questions will be further discussed throughout this .
I have set total 5 international marriage women immigrants who has been living in the villages for less than ten years, and are capable of communicating in Korea. The subjects were collected from 4 villages, 1 immigrant from 3 villages and 2 from the other. Data collection was performed from the September 2014 to the June 2015 through several interviews, and I have analyzed those collected data with Colaizzi's analysis method based on phenomenological means.
The results indicate the first impression that our research participants had when they first came to village could be categorized into positive, mysterious, concerning, and apprehensive, while that of villagers' on the immigrants were positive, thankful, and awkward. Then I looked deeper into the immigrants' thought on other themes of their lives in the village such as "I like to participate in the village ceremonies or I don't like to participate", "Farming is fun or I cannot do farming", and "I would like to communicate with the neighbor or I would not like to communicate with the neighbor". For their feelings of settlement, I have defined the "I am a member of this village" feeling as their own acknowledgement of membership and "I want to live in this village continuously", "I do not want to live in this village anymore" as the feeling settled.
These are the few suggestions corresponding to the discoveries made through the research results.
First, the welcoming ambience and interest of the whole village on international marriage women immigrants has to be prepared beforehand.
Second, the interchange with the immigrants has to be actively done.
Third, intervention of the village representative is essential
Fourth, the whole family member should put some efforts as they are an important part of the immigrants adaptation to the village
Fifth, the immigrants should be able to actively participate to the village ceremonies and share their lives with villagers
Sixth, the immigrant's active participation on the women's association is crucial.
Seventh, a new type of policy that imposes weighted points on the village-scale projects that includes learning programs on the farm labour and farming procedures.
To sum up the ends with a number of suggestions that extends from villagers' attention on international marriage women immigrants in their vicinity to the governmental support and the transformation for the environment of farming villages in an effort to assist the immigrant's settlement to the rural communities. In conclusion, through the improvement on their surroundings, international marriage women immigrants would be able to reconfirm their membership as one of the residents in their villages and settle down developing their communities with the neighbors.
