다문화가족 자녀가 지각한 가족건강성이 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향 : 문화적응스트레스와 사회적 자본을 조절변수로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The aim of this study is to provide social welfare practice plans for healthy school adjustment of children in multi-cultural families based on effective intervening strategies for helping them adjust themselves to school life, which are to be develop...

The aim of this study is to provide social welfare practice plans for healthy school adjustment of children in multi-cultural families based on effective intervening strategies for helping them adjust themselves to school life, which are to be developed by investigating the effect of family strengths perceived by children in multi-cultural families can act as moderators. To achieve this purpose, a survey was carried out focusing on three hundred(300) children in multi-cultural families residing in ten(10) cities and thirteen(13) counties in Gyeongbuk province. Provided are the following conclusions drawn from the analysis of two hundred and seventy two(272) questionnaires collected but excluding some questionnaires not responded or responded unfaithfully.
First, the family strengths of the children in multi-cultural families were revealed to have an average score in general. Among the sub-factors of the family strengths, the family tie was the most effective sub-factor, whereas the family-oriented problem solving ability, the communication skill within a family, and the family values in common were in order of effectiveness to the family strengths.
Second, the acculturative stress of the children in multi-cultural families was revealed to possess in general a value smaller than the median, indicating that they perceived the acculturative stress somewhat less. In other words, they were found to be relatively less affected by the acculturative stress.
Third, the social capital of the children in multi-cultural families was revealed to have a low score in general. Among the sub-factors of the social capital, the relationship between children and school was the most effective sub-factor, while the relationship between parents and children, the relationship between parents and school, and the relationship between parents and friends’ parents were in order of effectiveness to the social capital. The children in multi-cultural families were found to perceive the social capital less since all the sub-factors of the social capital showed low scores.
Fourth, the school adjustment of the children in multi-cultural families was revealed to possess a value higher than the median, indicating a positive trend in the school adjustment. Among the sub-factors of the school adjustment, the school life was the most effective sub-factor, whereas the school study, the school friend and the school teacher were in order of effectiveness to the school adjustment. The children in multi-cultural families were found to adjust themselves positively to the school adjustment since all the sub-factors showed values higher than the median. In addition, the children in multi-cultural families residing in urban communities, perceiving the higher economic standard, having their mothers with the higher Korean language skill, and having the more experience in visiting their mothers’ countries were revealed to show the higher adjustment in school.
Fifth, the higher family strengths were found to help the children in multi-cultural families adjust themselves to school life the easier. When all the sub-factors were taken into account, the family tie, the family-oriented problem solving ability, the communication skill within a family, and the family values in common were found to show positive correlations without exception.
Sixth, the acculturative stress was revealed to have a significant moderation effect on the school adjustment when the effect of the family strengths of the children in multi-cultural families on it was taken into account. The independent variable family strengths had a positive effect on the school adjustment, while the moderating variable acculturative stress had a negative effect on it. That is to say, the higher family strengths and the lower acculturative stress generated the higher school adjustment of the children in multi-cultural families. The control variable residential area showing a significant influence was revealed to have a noticeably positive effect on the school adjustment. In addition, the communication skill within a family and the family-oriented problem solving ability, which are sub-factors of the independent variable family strengths, were revealed to have positive effects on the school adjustment, while the moderating variable acculturative stress to have a negative effect on it. In other words, the higher communication skill, the higher problem solving ability and the lower acculturative stress generated the higher school adjustment of the children in multi-cultural families. One can say that the lower acculturative stress perceived by the children in multi-cultural families will generate the higher communication skill within a family and family-oriented problem solving ability, resulting in the higher school adjustment.
Finally, it was found that the social capital had the moderation effect on the relationship between the family strengths and the school adjustment. The control variable mother’s Korean language skill showing a significant influence was revealed to have a noticeably positive effect on the school adjustment. In addition, the communication skill within a family and the family-oriented problem solving ability, which are sub-factors of the independent variable family strengths, as well as the moderating variable social capital were revealed to have positive effects on the school adjustment. In other words, the higher communication skill, the higher problem solving ability and the larger social capital generated the higher school adjustment of the children in multi-cultural families. One can say that the larger social capital will generate the higher communication skill within a family and family-oriented problem solving ability, resulting in the higher school adjustment.
To sum up, it was found that the acculturative stress and social capital had the moderation effect on the relationship between the family strengths perceived by the children in multi-cultural families and their school adjustment. Just like the spillover theory as a key theory adopted in this study, the higher family strengths perceived by the children in multi-cultural families generated the higher school adjustment. In order to enhance their school adjustment, therefore, various programs that may increase the family strengths and exhibit the strong points of family are to be developed.
Based on the aforementioned results obtained in this study, detailed social welfare practice plans proposed are the following;
- Family relationship improvement programs for building up social capital of children in multi-cultural families are to be developed,
- bicultural adjustment programs covering Korean and mother cultures for reducing cultural adjustment-induced stress experienced by children in multi-cultural families are to be developed,
- family-school-community linked systems that can implement actual supporting programs for enhancing school adjustment of children in multi-cultural families are to be established,
- multi-cultural education and family/individual counselling for family strength enhancement, parent education for supporting child-rearing, and life supporting service system for children in multi-cultural families are to be activated,
- and individually customized Korean language education systems for improving Korean language skill of children in multi-cultural families are to be developed.
On the other hand, a systematic and comprehensive follow-up study is to be carried out continuously to supplement some limits of this study.
