The purpose of this research is to show that, with proper study techniques, Thai Korean language learners studying in Thailand, can overcome the pronunciation obstacles common to Thai learners and achieve a high degree of proficiency in their Korean p...
The purpose of this research is to show that, with proper study techniques, Thai Korean language learners studying in Thailand, can overcome the pronunciation obstacles common to Thai learners and achieve a high degree of proficiency in their Korean pronunciation. 30 years have passed since the study of Korean language was established as a separate academic discipline at Prince of Songkla University in 1986. Until present most study of the Korean language in Thailand has focused on Korean grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary.
Korean language departments in Thailand have typically sought to address issues relating to pronunciation difficulties through connections with Korean universities to create programs for willing students to live and study in Korea. This strategy reflects the commonly held belief that
experience in a native country is the best way to resolve issues with pronunciation. In Thailand only 3 universities with Korean language programs have courses that specifically focus on phonology. The result of this lack of attention to pronunciation in Thai University Korean language departments results in Thai Korean learners who have rich vocabularies and are quite proficient in Korean grammar, but lack adequate proficiency in pronunciation. Deficienciesin pronunciation hinder the learner and often
result in situations where a learner is evaluated low in communicative ability by native Korean speakers.
This study measures the degree of pronunciation proficiency in three groups. Group one consists of Thai Korean language learners who have experience living and have not taken courses than emphasize phonology. Group two consists of Thai Korean language learners who study
in Thailand, and have no experience studying or living in Korean, but have taken courses that concentrate on phonology in their first semester of Korean language study. Group three consists of Thai Korean language learners who have no experience studying or living in Korea and have not taken courses than emphasize phonology. The study controls for the factors of age of learners.
If the score results from the Korean obstruent perception
examination and the Korean phoneme fluctuation examination from group 2 are similar or better than the results form group 1 we can conclude that the study emphasizing phonology is of benefit to Thai Korean language learners.
Chapter 2 will examine in detail the background of Korean
pronunciation education in Thailand. This section includes a) a description of the study that focuses specifically on Korean pronunciation in Thai universities’ Korean language programs, b) suggestions concerning pronunciation study from Thai and Korean teachers who teach phonology in
Thai universities. Research, referenced in chapter one, has show that the most significant problems relating to pronunciation difficulties experienced by Thai learners of the Korean language relate to Korean obstruent perception and Korean phoneme fluctuation. Based on findings referenced in Chapter 3 we can see that theories explaining differences between Thai and Korean phonology relate to firstly “background of Korean and Thai consonant
sound.” secondly, “background of Korean and Thai vowel sound.” and thirdly the “background of Korean and Thai syllable system.” Chapter 4 explains the design and results of the Korean obstruent perception experiment. A total number 85 subjects participated in the experiment. Group 1 consisted of 14 learner subjects. Group 2 consisted of 36 learner subjects, and the remaining group 3 consisted of 35 learner subjects. In Experiment 1, Thai Korean learners listened to numbered Korean obstruent sounds and chose the corresponding sound symbol from a
list. The Korean obstruent words consist of [k], [t], [p] and [ʧ] consonant sounds combined with 6 vowel sounds of [a], [ə], [o], [u], [ɨ], [i] resulting in 69 different possible combinations. The exam results rated the speed and accuracy of learner subjects and showed Group2 scored the fastest average response time and highest average accuracy rate of the three groups.
Chapter 5 explains the design and results of the Korean phoneme fluctuation experiment. A total number 85 subjects participated in the experiment. Group 1 consisted of 14 learner subjects. Group 2 consisted of 36 learner subjects, and there maining group 3 consisted of 35 learner
subjects. Thai learners were shown numbered Korean phoneme fluctuations which they read aloud. The Korean phoneme fluctuations were divided into two levels(beginner words and advanced words). Each level consisted of 7
kinds of Korean phoneme fluctuation samples, totaling 140 samples. As with experiment 1, The learners in group 2 scored the highest in both speed and accuracy.
Chapter 6 details the way in which Korean Obstruent perception and Korean phoneme fluctuation can be effectively taught to Thai learners of the Korean language. Through a comparative study on Korean and Thai a)
consonant sounds, articulating method, and articulating location and b) tonal differences in the Thai language (mid tone and falling tone) and those in the Korean language we can see where differences in the two languages are.
Through analyzing the differences we can determine specific phonetic features that exist in the Korean language but are absent in the Thai language. In these cases, as the natural reference to the mother tongue is a hindrance, Thai learners of the Korean language will typically have great
difficulty. If Korean language education is to mesuccessful greater care must be taken in ensuring the proper acquisition of these particular phonetic features. Results from experiments 1 and 2 (measuring learners’ ability to
overcome challenges relating to Korean obstruent perception and Korean phoneme fluctuation) show that focused study on Korean phonology is of great value to Thai learners of Korean. The results show that, in regards to pronunciation proficiency, the focused study of phonology in the first semester of Korean study can be of greater benefit to Thai Korean language learners than living experience in Korea. As predicted the study shows the benefit of correct study method.
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