중국인 학습자를 위한 조사 교육 방안 : 방법표현과 비교표현을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

In this study, we aimed to improve the accuracy of using Korean auxiliary among which are more frequently used in daily life for the Chinese learners who take Korean as second-language, specifically, the Korean auxiliary which are revolved around the ...

In this study, we aimed to improve the accuracy of using Korean auxiliary among which are more frequently used in daily life for the Chinese learners who take Korean as second-language, specifically, the Korean auxiliary which are revolved around the method, manner and compare. Therefore, through this research, we firstly investigate the usage of Korean auxiliary by Chinese students, study and guide the ability to find the same and difference according to the characteristics of language itself. Furthermore, we aim to find and present a more practical educational program in the process of real teaching-studying.
The content and results of all the sections are as follows. In chapter 1 and Chapter 2, we comprehensively summarized concept, characteristics and type of auxiliary in Korea and preposition in Chinese. Taking Korean language expression and high frequency words as analytic target, we analyzed and explain here according to meaning and usage method and their correspondence. Based on this, we discovered the correspondence between the two languages in general similarities and differences.
The main results are as follows. On the condition of transportation, ‘-(으)로써’ and ‘-(으)로’ cannot be replaced by each other, corresponding preposition in Chinese is ‘用’ replaced by ‘乘/坐’. Auxiliary word for comparison like ’-처럼’ and ’-만큼’, have subtle differences in meaning and usage method, there is no same meaning preposition in Chinese language, the corresponding word of ‘처럼’ is preposition word‘?...一?, 像...一?(似的)’in Chinese language, the corresponding word of ‘만큼’ is ‘有...那?....’, Korean auxiliary word used for expressing method like ‘-에’, is unaffected when subject is initiative, conversely, preposition in Chinese Language is affected. Analysis results of the analysis targets are summarized in the end of chapter 2.
In the third chapter, we investigate the usage of Korean auxiliary in expressional method and comparison of Chinese students. In Chonnam National University, the light of God University, Hunan University and Dongguk University, for each university, we chose 120 Chinese students at primary, middle and high level. We first investigated wrong usage and modality of Korean auxiliary in expressional method and comparison, afterwards, analyzed error modality and error rate, error type and error cause. Then we summarized the main error causes while Chinese students are using Korean auxiliary in expressional method and comparison, the reasons are listed below.

1) Replacement error
2) Lack of flexible capacity
3) Confusion error
4) Influence of mother language
5) Addition error
6) Inadequate comprehension of textbook
In the fourth chapter, on the basis of the research about feature correspondence and practical application error between Korean auxiliary and Chinese preposition, take expressional method auxiliary word ‘-(으)로, -(으)로써’ and comparison auxiliary word ‘처럼, 만큼’ as example, we found and presented an efficient educational program. By using this educational model, this research makes good comparison of auxiliary in Korean and preposition in Chinese for Chinese learners. We expect to improve efficiency of translation and education via a clear definition of similarities and differences between auxiliary in Korean and preposition in Chinese.


本?究是?了提高以???第二外?的中??生在??生活中使用?率?高的?于措施和比?方面的助?用法和提高其使用的准?性所做的?育?究。?此,本?究首先通??中??生助?使用??情?的??略论,?了培??生?能?根据?言本身的特征自主地?出其共?点的能力?行了指向性的引??究。?且, 是以能?摸索出在??的?授 - ???程中提出?用性?强的?育方案?目的的?究。
主要略论?果如下。‘-(으)로써’和‘-(으)로’在交通方式的情?,不能互相替?,??的中??介?‘用’?成‘乘/坐’。表?比?的助?‘-처럼’和‘-만큼’在意?功能使用上有?微的差?,中??中?有表示同等的介?,和‘처럼’??的用?式介?‘?...一?, 像...一?(似的)’等,韩语论文范文,和‘만큼’??的有‘有...那?....’等形式。???中表?措施的助?‘-에’主?表示主?意?的?候不受影?,相反中??的介?受影?。各略论?象的略论?果在第二章?尾部分?行了??整理。
第四章,在之前?究的???助?和中??介?的???系的特征和???用??略论?果的基?上,以表?措施的助?‘-(으)로, -(으)로써’,表?比?的助?‘처럼, 만큼’?例,摸索和展示了有效率的?育方案。通???的?育模型,本?究?中???者????助?和中??介?做了多方面的?照,韩语论文网站,通?明????助?和中??介?的共同点和差?点期待可以?到提高???言的??和?育的效率。
