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이중언어 사용자의 제3언어 습득에 관한 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

영어와 스페인어, 두 가지언어를 동시에 구사할 수 있는 이중언어자와 단일어 구사자의 제 3언어 습득(한국어)에 관한 연구

영어와 스페인어, 두 가지언어를 동시에 구사할 수 있는 이중언어자와 단일어 구사자의 제 3언어 습득(한국어)에 관한 연구

Bilingualism is a wide term. According to Merriam Webster’s definition,bilingualmeans ‘using orable to use two languagesespecially with equalfluency.’and Multilingualmeans ‘able to speak and understand severallanguages.’Ithas long been d...

Bilingualism is a wide term. According to Merriam
Webster’s definition,bilingualmeans ‘using orable to use two
languagesespecially with equalfluency.’and Multilingualmeans
‘able to speak and understand severallanguages.’Ithas long
been discussed that how human being become bilingual and
multilingualability.According to Chomsky’s distinction,certain
aspectsoflinguisticknowledgeand ability aretheproductofa
Itis also known forlanguage acquisition device is disappeared
when children grow up.However,language acquisition device
mightoperate in bilingualadultspeaking system.Applying this
from bilingualism to multilingualism.Ifbilingualleaners learns
third language,they could learn easily comparing with general
leaner. Because bilingual learner has already known how
languageacquisition isbeeninherentusing LanguageAcquisition
Device(LAD)withoutdifficulty.They may feelthatit’seasy to
learn otherlanguage because they have already two languages.
Therefore,Iam interested in discovering the third language
acquisition process. This article starts from hypothesis that
bilingualadultlearnerwho haslanguageacquisition devicemay
be easier to acquire third language.We willdemonstrate the
bilingual leaner's language ability through experiment. The
experiment is that how bilingual leaner's language ability is
outstanding comparing to generallearnerwhen bilinguallearner
who speaks English and Spanish learns Korean as a third
