This aims to figure out the similarities and differences of Korean determiners and Chinese distinguishing words in morphologic aspect and syntactic aspect. It is valuable to study on comparison of determiners and distinguishing words because the...
This aims to figure out the similarities and differences of Korean determiners and Chinese distinguishing words in morphologic aspect and syntactic aspect. It is valuable to study on comparison of determiners and distinguishing words because they have something in common from part of speech concept. But they have many differences as well because of different language dimensions.
It is known to all of us that a lot of research has been conducted so far about determiners and distinguishing words in the field of Korean and Chinese linguistics. For determiners, researchers made fruitful achievements from the linguistic status, syntactic function and aspect of realization. For distinguishing words, researchers also did a lot of research from origin of name, belonging problems and aspect of realization. However, many parts of speeches’ morphology, function and meaning are the same as the determiners in Korean linguistic area, so this makes researchers have different point of view about confirming the category of determiners, and also makes the category of determiners unclear. In the Chinese linguistic area, many researchers have different point of view about belonging problems and category establishment as well. Besides, studies on the comparison of Korean determiners and Chinese distinguishing words are relatively rare from a purely linguistic perspective. Therefore, this focuses on studying the category of determiners and distinguishing words by comparing with other parts of speeches in each language dimension, and then comparing them in morphologic aspect and syntactic aspect.
The second chapter focused on the concept and setting range of determiners and distinguishing words. At first, concepts of them were analyzed. Because both of them have something in common in distribution, function and morphology, research value of comparison was raised. Then, setting range of determiners and distinguishing words in existing researches and the reasons of existing different standpoints about setting range were investigated.
Based on the reasons about setting range in chapter two, the third chapter talks about the differences of determiners and distinguishing words between other parts of speech in each language dimensions, and ranged over the category standard of them. Besides, according to the resetting category standard of Korean determiners, the ones that discussed in the existing researches and Crown nouns should be counted in the same category and be named as determiners consistently was suggested. This chapter also analyzed the reason why determiners and Crown nouns should be counted in the determiners category.
On accounting of the resetting category standard of Korean determiners and Chinese distinguishing words in chapter three, the fourth chapter comprehensively studied their similarities and differences in morphologic aspect and syntactic aspect. In morphologic aspect, this chapter used the Chinese morphology to disclose their characteristics in single morpheme words and compound words. In syntactic aspect, the aspect of modify function, attribute function, postposition combination and independent words were analyzed.
In this , setting range of determiners and distinguishing words were first reset, and then their similarities and differences in morphologic aspect and syntactic aspect were discovered by comparison study. In morphologic aspect, words were divided into single morpheme words and compound words. Compound words were divided into combined type, additional type and eclipsed type. For combined type, both of determiners and distinguishing words had modifying compound type, combination compound type, verb-object compound type and predicate connective type, but didn’t have complement compound type. For additional type, most determiners had to do with suffix, but most distinguishing words connected with prefix. For eclipsed type, determiners didn’t have this type, and distinguishing words just had ‘shangshang, xiaxia’ two words. In syntactic aspect, implement environment of determiners in the aspect of modify function, attribute function, postposition combination and independent words was the same as distinguishing words. But, distinguishing words can be as a subject, predicate and object depending on the different context of situation.