韓國語 近代漢音系 借用語 硏究 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

ABSTRACT A Study of Early Mandarin Loanwords in Korean Seow Yuening Dept. of Korean Language & Literature Sungkyunkwan Univer...

ABSTRACT A Study of Early Mandarin Loanwords in Korean Seow Yuening Dept. of Korean Language & Literature Sungkyunkwan University This study focuses on the methodology of identifying Early Mandarin(近代漢語) loanwords in Korean. These loanwords were collected from Korean translations(諺解, eonhae) of 10 Chinese conversation textbooks and thesauri which had been published from the 16th century to the 19th century. Phonological clues become the most important criteria in identifying these loanwords and separating them from those Chinese loanwords which are pronounced in Sino-Korean(韓國漢字音). 117 loanwords collected were explained one by one in Chapter 3. Each word was explained together with its reconstructed forms in Early Mandarin and pronunciations in Sino-Korean. Examples found from Chinese texts were also shown to prove that these words appeared during the Early Mandarin period. There are some words like 양ᄌᆞ(<樣子) and 심ᅀᆞ(<心兒) which share the same written forms with the Sino-Korean but still reflect part of the pronunciations of Early Mandarin. In this case morphological complexity and semantic clues were used as supplementary evidences by connecting the widespread use of suffixes ‘-子’ and ‘兒’ during the Early Mandarin period with our explanations. The study on these 117 loanwords shows that many of them were 'reformed' into Sino-Koreans. For example the word '사공‘(a helmsman) is originated from */ʂau kuŋ/ which is the pronunciation of '梢工' in Early Mandarin but it was 'reconnected' with the pronunciation of Sino-Korean and is written as '沙工’ in Korean dictionaries nowadays, even though the Chinese character '沙‘ originally means 'sand' that has nothing to do with the helmsman. This phenomenon shows that there was no clear boundary between the Sino-Korean and Early Mandarin in the mind of those interpreters(譯官, yeokgwan) during the Joseon Dynasty. This enabled them to change part of the Early Mandarin loanwords into Sino-Korean pronunciations. Further studies need to be conducted in the future to determine the underlying rule in such pronunciation shifts. Keywords: Early Mandarin, loanword(s), language contact, Sino-Korean, etymology

中文摘要 韓語近代漢音借詞研究 成均館大學國語國文系                       韓語語言學專業             ...

中文摘要 韓語近代漢音借詞研究 成均館大學國語國文系                       韓語語言學專業                       蕭悅寧 本文旨在研究韓語裡源自近代漢語的借詞,韩语论文题目,嘗試從音韻學的角度切入,建立一套確認近代漢音借詞詞源的研究措施。“近代漢音借詞”指源自近代漢語、在某種程度上反映近代漢語語音特徵的借詞。在以往的研究中,學者一般僅註明有關借詞的漢語詞源,並未從歷史語音學的角度論證詞源與借詞之間的關係,韩语论文题目,對於如何鑑定某個詞是否借自近代漢語亦缺乏明確之標準。   爲此,本文首先確立近代漢音借詞的鑑定標準,將與韓國漢字音完全相同的詞彙排除在外。例如,表示“主人”的“쥬ᅀᅵᆫ”一詞,表面上看似借自近代漢音,但因“쥬ᅀᅵᆫ”這一詞形完全符合中世韓國漢字音的讀法,因此我們將它排除在外,視爲以韓國漢字音發音的漢字詞。另有一些詞語如“양ᄌᆞ”(<樣子) 和“심ᅀᆞ”(<心兒),儘管其讀音與當時的韓國漢字音完全一致,但考慮到“子”、“兒”這類詞綴在近代漢語時期使用得非常廣泛,因此還是將其納入研究範圍之内。   我們從韓國文字“訓民正音”創製後刊行的十種漢語會話教材和詞典的諺解文中一共找到了117個近代漢音借詞,並對這些詞語逐個進行解釋。本文通過學者們構擬的近代音(主要是《中原音韻》音系,另以《合併字學集韻》音系為參考)及中世韓國漢字音之對比,一一論證這些詞語確實借自近代漢語;同時利用語料庫檢索功能,找出同一時期中國文獻上的實際例句,儘可能為每一個借詞提供確鑿之詞源證據。   在此過程中,我們提出了韓語“선비”(書生、儒生)一詞源自近代漢語“先輩”的看法。“선비”在古代寫作“션ᄇᆡ”或“션븨”,一般的韓語辭典均將其視爲故有詞,但我們認爲“션븨”能與近代漢音對應,且在近代漢語時期,中國確實有稱讀書人為“先輩”的用法,在詞義上兩者亦有關聯,故將其歸入近代漢音借詞。此外,古韓語詞典對“혀ᄎᆞ다”一詞的解釋一般均為現代韓語之“혀차다”(咂嘴),“혀차다”表示的是“内心不愉快或感到遺憾”。然而,“혀ᄎᆞ다”在《朴通事諺解》中均為漢語“喝倸”之翻譯,並無“遺憾”之義。爲此,儘管漢字借詞在韓語裡無法直接充當謂詞詞幹,後面一般必須加上“-하다”(古代則為“ᄒᆞ다”),但本文仍認爲“혀ᄎᆞ다”之“혀ᄎᆞ-”極有可能反映了“喝采”的近代漢音。   在本文略论的近代漢音借詞中,有不少都是雙音節中的一個音節反映近代漢音特徵,另一個則與韓國漢字音趨同,前人研究中也曾提到這種現象。這或許可以説明當時的朝鮮譯官因長期學習漢語口語、經常身処雙語環境中,故對韓國漢字音與近代漢音並未嚴加區分,使得近代漢音借詞多半可以改成與韓國漢字音相同的讀音。至於這種“局部改造”的現象是否存在某種規律,則有待進一步研究方能予以解釋。 關鍵詞:近代漢語、借詞、語言接觸、韓國漢字音、詞源學
