한국어 조사 ‘-이나’의 의미와 쓰임 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This dissertation consists of three main proposals. First, this dissertation describes the meanings of ‘-ina’ which have been explained in different standards and various terms without coherence, and introduces a pragmatic modal scale to define th...

This dissertation consists of three main proposals. First, this dissertation describes the meanings of ‘-ina’ which have been explained in different standards and various terms without coherence, and introduces a pragmatic modal scale to define the meaning of -ina NPs as denoting a special element – lower bound – in the scale with a scalar implicature. Lee, et al (2000) and Chung, et al (2002) interpreted ‘NP-(i)na/-to’ as denoting the lower bound (the least element) in a probability scale. To derive scalar interpretations from various modal contexts, this dissertation takes the lower bound in the probability scale as consisting of epistemic modality, and also makes use of deontic and optative/bouletic modality. Applying these works, we also uses partially ordered scales as well as totally ordered scales. This study comes to the conclusion that the scalar meaning of –ina NPs is represented in diverse modal contexts. Thus, unlike previous research based on entailment, this work discusses extending the meaning of –ina NPs to the pragmatic modal scale with a scalar implicature. What is more, extending this concept to connective constructions, this study accounts for correlation between ‘A-ina B(-ina)’ and ‘NP-ina’.
Second, this dissertation will be concerned with two types of syntactic distribution and three semantic interpretations of the disjunction ‘-ina’ in Korean. The disjunction ‘-ina’ in Korean is morphologically divided into a parallel construction ‘A-ina B-ina’ and a series construction ‘A-ina B.’
The disjunction ‘-ina’ is basically interpreted as a Boolean disjunction, but when looking at uses of ‘-ina’ in everyday life, it seems that the morpheme ‘-ina’ rarely ever exhibits this pure meaning. There is more often an “arbitrary choice” interpretation which is more similar to a conjunction than a Boolean disjunction.
This work gathers data by examining previous research and then searching for the Sejong Corpus. This search for logical operators which have yet to be studied in previous research may yield an explanation for the ‘-ina’ conjunction construction.
First of all, Unless a ‘logical operator’ intervenes in the series construction, all interpretations; the ‘Boolean disjunction’, the ‘conjunction’ and the ‘arbitrary choice’ may appear. Likewise unless a ‘logical operator’ intervenes in the parallel construction, interpretations of the ‘conjunction’ and the ‘arbitrary choice’ may appear. This results in ‘pragmatical ambiguity.’
Next, as the paralleled construction lacking any logical operators produces only the interpretations of ‘conjunction’ and ‘arbitrary choice’, We elucidate a discrepancy in the interpretation due to semantic structure, ant then, when an ‘enumeration’ of NPs is clearly pronounced, We anticipate ‘a pause’ in pronunciation according to the ‘accent/intonation boundary.’ Therefore, We carry out a prosody structure experiment. The results of the prosody structure test lead to the following new proposals.

Connective NP-ina NP(-ina): (-ina2 is Connective, -ina1 is a delimiter)
(i) Series construction [NP-ina2 NP],
(ii) Parallel construction [NP-ina2 NP]-ina1: inner bonding structure,
(iii) Parallel construction [NP-ina1] [NP-ina1]: enumeration structure

Third, this dissertation attempts to unite the conjunction ‘-ina’ with the delimiter ‘-ina’ by means of the focus and scale. According to proposal above, We divide the parallel construction into an ‘enumeration structure’ in which each individual item is a delimiter and an ‘inner bonding structure’ in which the delimiter takes combined unit. Therefore, in the parallel construction, the final ‘-ina’ is considered a delimiter. This study represents the conjunction ‘-ina’ as denoting the lower bound in the scale. As the relationship between the ‘free choice’ and the ‘universal’ interpretations of the delimiter corresponds with the ‘arbitrary choice’ and the ‘conjunction’ interpretations of the ‘A-ina B(-ina)’ construction, We propose that these two constructions should be dealt with via the same scale.
There are two directions on the course of unification and correlativity of two construction. First of all, as the delimiters, ‘-to, -bakkae, -ina’ introduce components of scale in the discourse into focus interpretation, the second item ‘-to, -bakkae, -ina’ of ‘A-ina B’ construction also introduces components of scale in discourse into focus interpretation. Next, as the interpretation of ‘arbitrary choice’ and ‘conjunction’ in connective constructions are based on the ‘logical operator’ used, that of ‘free choice’ and ‘universal’ of delimiters also identify the proposal to be true. (‘Wh N-ina’ is used with the quantitative-operator, ‘modou, da, hangsang, nul’; ‘Amu N-ina’ co-occurs with the proposition-operator of ‘negation’, ‘condition’, the focus-operator, ‘-to, -bakkae’, and ‘irun’ kind-operator of ‘irun, kurun’ etc).
Consequently, to show the unified scale, We analyze the sentence, ‘John-ina Mary-na sekumul neya handa.(= John or/and Mary must pay taxes)’ to discover a discrepancy in the ‘-ina’ parallel constructions, that is, an ambiguity in ‘arbitrary choice’ and ‘conjunction.’ The ‘arbitrary choice’ interpretation represents each ‘John, Mary, John ∨ Mary’ / ‘-ina’ as denoting the lower bound in the deontic modality scale without order. The ‘conjunction’ interpretation represents each ‘John, Mary, John ∧ Mary’ / ‘-ina’ as denoting the lower bound in the deontic modality scale without order.
Finally, there are many other delimiters in Korean not dealt with in this thesis that must also be taken into account via scale in the future: such as the similar delimiter ‘-to’ and ‘-to *(-to)’ construction, the semantically similar delimiter ‘-rato’, and the formally similar conjunctions such as ‘-tunji (-tunji), -hago (-hago), -rang (-rang)’ etc. As we have seen, there exist scales in a large parts of ‘delimiters’ or ‘conjunctions’ and We expect to carry out research based on this thesis and hope to do more research regarding the conception of a modal scale providing context. We shall make mention of remaining issue not to deal with regarding delimiters in further studies.
