몽골 청소년의 몽골어·한국어 숙달도와 문화적응 유형의 상관관계 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The subjects of this study are Mongolian Adolescents attending a Mongolian school in Korea. The purposes of this study are to see the degree of their bilingual proficiency and to see how their bilingual proficiency is related to their acculturation t...

The subjects of this study are Mongolian Adolescents attending a Mongolian school in Korea. The purposes of this study are to see the degree of their bilingual proficiency and to see how their bilingual proficiency is related to their acculturation type.
In the question 1, the researcher measured the proficiency of Korean and proficiency of the Mongolian students attending a Mongolian school in Korea. Their proficiency score of Mongolian and Korean was measured using Mongolian proficiency test and Korean proficiency test. The scores of the Mongolian students attending schools in Korea are ranked as advanced, moderate, and lower levels compared with their average scores of Mongolian proficiency of L1 mongolian monolingual. In the same way, I decided which language they are better at by comparing the students' ranking of Mongolian and Korean resulting from the results. In the study question 2, the researcher tried to see the score differences depending on their individual variables. In the study question 3, the researcher tried to see how different their acculturation types are depending on their individual variables. Finally, In the study question 4, the researcher tried to see the relationships between their proficiencies of Mongolian and Korean and the types of their acculturation.
The subjects of this study were 51 students whose average age was 13.51. Their average period of living in Korea was 30.53months. The results of this study are as follows.
In the first research questions, the proficiencies of the students' Korean and Mongolian were measured. As a result, the proficiency of Mongolian was similar compared with that of L1 mongolian monolingual. On the other hand, the proficiency of Korean was not as good as that of L1 Koren monolingual. Moreover, the results of the comparison of the subjects' proficiency of the both languages, Korean and Mongolian showed that the subjects who are better at Mongolian were the most, followed by the ones who had a balanced proficiency of the two languages, better at Korean.
In the second study, I analyzed the scores of the subjects' Korean and Mongolian proficiencies depending on individuals' variables. The results were: In Mongolian proficiency, the group who answered the higher score they were, the better they were at Mongolian than Korean, who answered they use only Mongolian in speaking with bilingual speaker, and who hoped to come to Korea again got the best score. In Korean Proficiency the group who answered they were better at Korean than Mongolian, and who hoped to come to Korea again got the best score.
In the third study, the acculturation types of the students attending Mongolian school in Korea were investigated. The results were: separation type was the highest, followed by integration, assimilation, and marginalization. As a result of comparing the differences of the scores of the acculturation types of the students depending on individuals' variables, the scores of assimilation type were highest in the group who answered they were better at Korean than Mongolian, and who answered they use only Korean in speaking with bilingual speaker got the best score.
The scores of separation type were highest in the group who answered they did not want to come to Korea again got the best score.
The scores of integration type were highest in the group who answered they were good at both Korean and Mongolian, and who answered they use only Korean in speaking with bilingual speaker got the best score.
The scores of marginalization type were highest in the group who answered they use only Korean in speaking with bilingual speaker, who did not want to come to Korea again got the best score. All of these were analyzed as statistically significant.
In the fourth study, the relation between the scores of Korean-Mongolian proficiencies and the scores of the acculturation types of the students attending Mongolian schools in Korea was investigated. The result of the investigation was the relationship between the scores of the Mongolian proficiency and the scores of assimilation and marginalization types was negative relation. The relation between the scores of Korean proficiency and the scores of separation type was negative. But the relation between the scores of Korean proficiency and the scores of assimilation type was positive, all of these were statistically significant.
The differences of the scores of the acculturation types of the students based on their proficiency rate of Mongolian and Korean were investigated. The result was that the scores of the assimilation type were higher in the group whose Korean proficiency score was high. The scores of the separation type were higher in the group whose proficiency rate of Mongolian was higher than that of Korean. The scores of the integration type were the highest in the group whose proficiency rate of Mongolian and Korean was balanced. The scores of the marginaization type was the highest in the group whose proficiency rate of Korean was higher than that of Mongolian. However, these differences were statistically insinificant except the differences of the scores of separation type.
Through this study, the relationship between bilingual proficiency of Mongolian and Korean and cultural adaption was revealed. I expect that the results of this study will be used to decide the direction of bilingual education and multicultural education for the children of the foreign laborers who are living in multicultural environment as a preliminary resource.
