제2언어로서의 한국어 교육에서 문법 의식 고양의 효과에 관한 연구 : 피동 표현을 중심으로 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Grammar is one of the most basic language knowledge for communicating and a main study skill in the education of Korean language. The methods of grammar teaching have changed from grammar-translation method to task-centered approach to emphasize commu...

Grammar is one of the most basic language knowledge for communicating and a main study skill in the education of Korean language. The methods of grammar teaching have changed from grammar-translation method to task-centered approach to emphasize communication ability with the change of teaching method in foreign language education. It is the positive result of understanding the nature of grammar. The ultimate aim of the education of Korean language is to improve communication ability. The grammar of Korean language has to be functioned as the basic knowledge for improving communication too. The model of the grammar course which theories of second language acquisition suggest shows that learners do not accept knowledge unilaterally but take positive attitude when composing knowledge. Therefore, the instructors of Korean language grammar should not drill only knowledge but make learners themselves compose knowledge. This viewpoint has desirable effects on the condition that the instructors of Korean language grammar give consideration to study process of learners. The learners themselves can concentrate on the input of target langage by emphasizing the effects on which the noticing and consciousness-raising of learners have, and they can make the process of studying grammar items. The current education has great effect on grammar education of Korean language education. This study focuses on the viewpoint and tries to investigate the teaching method the learners lead positively. The study surveyed grammar consciousness raising-tasks which are suggested in English language education and investigated how grammar consciousness raising-tasks as a teaching method of Korean language have effects on passive expression education. Passive voice means that an action or movement is done not by a subject(doer) himself, but by other people or things. When teaching Korean language as a second language, instructors had better regard passive voice as not grammar category but separate vocabularies. Therefore, the study examined how the activities of GCR-tasks had effects on grammar consciousness raising-tasks. The aim of the study is to investigate effective teaching method of grammar by searching how grammar consciousness raising-tasks have effects on the passive expression study of Korean language. The study set up following hypothesis. First, an experiment group which performs grammar consciousness raising-tasks will have higher performance than an controled group. Second, grammar consciousness raising-tasks which do not learn grammar will have a different result in grade improvement. The study carried out an experiment of 22 beginners and 29 intermediates attending Y university. The two classes were divided into a controled class and an experiment class. The main experiment was carried after two classes had taken homogeneity test. The controled group took teacher-oriented grammar class, and experiment class carried out GCR-tasks. The result the study verified through hypothesis is as follows. First, the class which performed grammar consciousness raising-tasks had higher performance than a controled group. The average score of the controled group was somewhat increased after later test, but was not meaningful result in the statistics. This shows that the activity of GCR-tasks of experiment class is more effective than the activity of instructor-oriented grammar class. Second, the class of beginner’s course which did not study grammar items achieved great effects of grammar consciousness raising-tasks. The intermediate class learned grammar items and the beginner’s class did not. Therefore, GCR-task activity had bigger effects on the learners who studied grammar items than those who studied the items. Third, grammar consciousness raising-tasks were more effective than the controled class in the accuracy of production expression. And the experiment class had higher accuracy and higher average score in the later test of intermediate class than the controled class. It is necessary to suggest some proposals on the basis of the result. The study limited to Chinese learners of Korean language, and treated only passive voice as target grammar. So it is impossible to extend the result of the study to the whole Korean language education. And also it is hard to make the hasty conclusion that expression item of Korean language is effective when it is acted as consciousness raising-tasks. The studies on various students, other grammar targets and the improvement of suitable GCR-task activities are required.
