「떼조빈두 우빠니샤드」에 대한 번역 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

TBU seems to be composed around 10˜13 century. It consists in the Krisna(black) Yajur Veda, and belongs to Minor(Yoga) upanisads. TBU which written in verse style, is belonged to the later upaniṣads and contains bindu, haṃsa thoughts in i...

TBU seems to be composed around 10˜13 century. It consists in the Krisna(black) Yajur Veda, and belongs to Minor(Yoga) upanisads. TBU which written in verse style, is belonged to the later upaniṣads and contains bindu, haṃsa thoughts in its system.
It is usually said that Yoga upaniṣads —including TBU — are common in four points. First, the essence of the Yoga upaniṣads is the monism of the Vedānta. Second, the contents and forms of them are characterized by Tantra and Haṭha yoga. Third, most of them applied the eight elements of yoga system for self discipline, that is represented in Pātañjali Yoga Sūtra. Finally, they are poetical.
This study is a translation of Tejobindūpaniṣad editied by Pandit A. Mahadeva. For the reference of translation, Thirty Minor Upaniṣads of K. Narayanasvami Aiyar, an English translation has been consulted.
TBU is based on Śankara's advaita thought in Vedānta philosophy.
Tejobindu means 'the speck of radiance representing Brahman, or transcendental inner inaudible sound of the absolute following after sacred syllable(om).
TBU also mentions on haṃsa meditation. Sages are, through the awakening face, observing three different states, viz. awakening, sleeping with dream and profound sleeping. The hamsa is turya which includes all three states. It again describes on nine attributes of transcendental substance.
TBU suggests 'moderate food, mastery of anger․sense organs․duality․egoism, deficiency of desires, renunciation' for self discipline for achievement of Brahman.
Also, in the method of practice, TBU suggests 15 limbs of yoga system, that is, yama(self control), niyama(right observance), tyāga(renunciation), mauna(quiescence), deśa(right place), kāla(proper duration), āsana(correct posture), mūla-bandha(concentration about the root of the universe), dehasāmya(equilibrium of the body), drksthiti(stability of introspection), prānasamyama(control of breath), pratyāhāra(pleasant mind through senses), dhāramā(concentration), ātmadhyāna(meditation on the Ātman), samādhi(perfect absorption).
It said that the obstacles to samādhi are absence of right inquiry, laziness, inclination to enjoyment, absorption in material object, distraction, impatience, sweat and absent-mindedness.
In the poetry with a fixed form, TBU mentions cinmātra, or pure consciousness that all creature is the partless non-dual essence.
Also TBU explains realization on Ātman that I am existence, consciousness and supreme bliss. According to TBU, the mantra of which I am Brahman, removes all one's sin and gives wisdom, supreme bliss.
And TBU explains jīvanmukta and videhamukta. Jīvanmukta means the man who is delivered from worldly existence while living. He realizes that he becomes supreme Ātman himself, and remains in his Ātman.
Videhamukta means the man who becomes Brahman himself with dead, and he does not even think that he is Brahman.
Also TBU insists that the discrimination between Ātman and non-Ātman is a falsehood, and the world arising from will(saṃkalpa) is not exist.
All things in their being are nature of knowledge, and essence of supreme bliss from Yoga. In the end, All creature is Brahman, and Brahman is identical with Ātman. Thus, the phenomenal world is not exist.
TBU has a character of rāja yoga that represent not the body but the mind. TBU's 15 limbs of yoga system are the form of the meditation on Brahman.
And every constituent element in TBU has parallel structures connected with ultimate realization on Brahman. On the contrary, 8 limbs of yoga system by Pātañjali are explained step by step toward a goal, samādhi.
The contents and structures of TBU can compare with jñāna yoga of Śaṃkara. That is manana, nididhyāsana and parisaṃkhyāna meditation.
This study has attempted to translate the original as exact as possible.
For the help of more exact comprehension, I footnoted the contents of the refernce books, namely, 「The Yoga-Upanisad-s」 by T.R. Śrīnivāsa Ayyangār, 「Aparoksānubhuti」 of unknown authorship , and 「テージョービンドウ・ウパニシヤツト[78], ウパニシヤツト全書 七, 世界聖典全集」 by Sugahara Tokunari(菅原得成).
As the important value, TBU suggests "new non-dualistic practice doctrine" that can remove all ignorance and karma through the meditation on oneness of Brahman and Ātman.

TBU는 10〜13세기경 성립된 것으로 추측되며, 크리슈나 야쥬르베다에 속한다. 이것은 후기 요가우빠니샤드 중 빈두․함사계열 우빠니샤드이며 운문형식을 띄고 있다. 뗴조빈두를 비롯...
