영어로 하는 영어수업(TETE)의 유형별 학습자 인식에 관한 연구 : 중학교 학생들의 인식을 중심으로 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose is investigating a how leaner recognize a type study about TETE(Teaching English Through English), and researching a effective study method that can contribute to growth of communication ability with the department of English curriculum. ...

The purpose is investigating a how leaner recognize a type study about TETE(Teaching English Through English), and researching a effective study method that can contribute to growth of communication ability with the department of English curriculum.
We aimed 497students who are First and Second grade in 4middle school and have ever experienced class type about TETE(Teaching English Through English). Then, It divided into upper group and middle group and low group. Necessary lesson type on research is 4types - First, performing a class of native English teacher, Second, performing an English class of Non-native(Korean) teacher, Third, Korean-English Bilingual class of Korean teacher, Fourth, processing a team teaching class with native-speaker and Non-native speaker(Korean teacher). According to this, we analyzed response of learners.
Survey question consists of total 30questions, and we performed it by means of extracting questions that used in secondary school English teacher and perception survey of students about TETE(Teaching English Through English) of Yun kyung jo and So young lee(2009). It used statistical analysis for data was frequency analysis, crossing analysis, multiple responses, one-way ANOVA. Through this research method and order, we concluded as below. In the case of a class of native-speaker, upper group most preferred it and showed positive side about the class. Likewise the upper group, middle group preferred class of native-speaker and showed positive side, But, most preferable type was Korean-English Bilingual class. Whereas, bottom group learners preferred Korean teacher’s English class to those of TETE(Teaching English Through English). It was remarkable at native-speaking class, Korean teacher’s English class and Korean-English Bilingual class but preference of team teaching was low.
And there were some meaningful differences between the upper group and bottom group in native-speaking class and differences among all group in Korean teacher’s English class and Korean-English Bilingual class. Lastly, it was analyzed that upper group and middle group has meaningful difference in team teaching class.
The result of analyzing multiple response of student’s according to the questions about four styles, “It improved the communication in native-speaking class" was most response in questions about native-speaker’s class. "Pronunciation of Korean teacher is easier to understand than native-speaker" was most response in questions about Korean teacher’s English class and "Korean-English Bilingual class is more convenience than Korean teacher’s English class and native-speaker’s class" was most response in Korean-English Bilingual class. Finally, "My attendance desireimprovement in team teaching class." was most response in questions about team teaching class.
The result of comparing same questions about necessity of four types, students responded that most necessary type is native-speaking class and Second, Korean teacher’s English class, Third, It was Korean-English Bilingual class. On the other hand, team teaching class was shown lowest necessity. The result of comparing same questions about effectiveness of class styles, it was shown that was Korean-English Bilingual class highest.
Then, the following is Korean teacher’s English class and next, team teaching class was effective.
The result of comparing same questions about lesson interest, most interesting type was native-speaker’s class, then, team teaching class and next was Korean-English Bilingual class, and lowest type was Korean teacher’s English class. The result of dividing into native-speaker’s class and Korean teacher’s English class about communication improvement, students said that “Korean-English Bilingual class can improve our communication skill more than native-speaker’s class."
In conclusion, student’s perception about class styles that turned out on this research in this connection, for effective English education, it is judged that preferable class of student should consume.
