한 자녀를 둔 한국과 중국 어머니의 양육태도 비교 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

ABSTRACT A Comparative Study of the Child-rearing Attitudes Among Korean and Chinese Mothers with One Child Zha...


A Comparative Study
of the Child-rearing Attitudes Among
Korean and Chinese Mothers with One Child

Zhang Jing
The Major of Children Welfare and Instruction
Graduate School of Woosuk University
(Advised by prof. Kim Gi Hyeon)

The purposes of this study were (1) to find out differences between Korean mothers and Chinese mothers’ child-rearing attitudes according to mother’s nationalities and the related variables (ages, education levels, social status), (2) to find out difference in child-rearing attitudes of Korean and Chinese mothers with one child.
The subjects were 160 Korean mothers with one child of three to five year olds recruited from 16 Kindergartens in Jeonju, Jincheon and Iksan province and 160 Chinese mothers with one child of three to five year olds recruited from 2 Kindergartens in changzhou Data were analyzed with factor analysis, frequency, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, pearson’s correlations using SPSS Win 12.0.
Major findings were as follows:
First, according to the background of population, affective attitudeis the only difference between Chinese mothers and Korean mothers. Based on the result of researching on nationality and age, affective attitude and rejective attitude has significant difference according to the nationalities. However, there is no distinguished difference between autonomic attitude and controlled attitude. On the other hand, according to the age, there is no difference between Chinese mothers and Korean mothers, and the interactive effectiveness didn’t appear as well. This result didn’t distribute equally in the age group of mothers who took part in the survey, because they only have one child.
According to the nationality and educational background, the analysis result of Child-rearing attitude is that, affective attitude and rejective attitude has difference, and affective attitude and educational background has interactive effectiveness. In case of Chinese mothers, affective attitude is the strongest at the level of high school graduate, and it’s gradually decreased at the level of after university graduate. In case of Korean mothers, the higher educational background of them, the stronger of their affective attitude they have.
According to the educational background, autonomic attitude has significant difference. There is interactive effectiveness between nationality and educational background. In case of educational background, the higher educational background they have, the higher autonomic attitude they have. Especially, Korean mothers have a strong tendency to have this attitude. In case of interactive effectiveness between nationality and educational background, if Chinese mothers have higher educational background, they will have higher autonomic attitude, but after postgraduate, they will have less autonomic attitude. As for Korean mothers, autonomic attitude is stronger continuously after high school graduate.
Last, look into the Child-rearing attitude based on the nationality and social stratum, there is significant difference among affective attitude, rejective attitude, and controlled attitude. There is significant difference between affective attitude and autonomic attitude. In case of affective attitude, the middle class has highest level of affective attitude, and the mid-high class has the lowest level by comparing to the other classes. Autonomic attitude is the highest in the middle class, and the interactive effectiveness is significant between nationality and social stratum. In the lower class, Chinese mothers have a stronger autonomic attitude, the lower the stronger. In mid-high class, the autonomic attitude is weaker. On the opposite, Korean mothers have a stronger autonomic attitude as they are belong to an upper class, the higher the stronger.
At the result of the analyzing correlation between mothers’population background variable and Child-rearing attitude area, in case of Chinese mothers, affective attitude and autonomic attitude has a direct ratio, and the rejective attitude and controlled attitude has a direct ratio. This phenomenon is related to the adjacent area that Shafer(1959) indicated the Child-rearing attitude hypothetical model: affective-autonomic, hostile-control. On the other side, it can be known that on the relationship of population background variable, affective attitude and social stratum has inverse ratio. It doesn’t mean the higher class has higher affective attitude. In case of Korean mothers, affective attitude and autonomic attitude has a direct ratio, affective attitude and rejective attitude has an inverse ratio. At the same time, rejective attitude and controlled attitude has a direct ratio, rejective attitude and autonomic attitude has an inverse ratio. It’s correspond with the result of the hypothetical model of Child-rearing attitude, affective-hostile, autonomic-controlled are contrary to each other.
Second, the only difference between Chinese mothers and Korean mothers is the Child-rearing attitude. Korean mothers are more affective and controlled than Chinese mothers, and Chinese mothers are more rejective.
